这是我收到的survey report. 请大家帮忙看看,这个building repair (a- j)大约要多少钱啊?我买的是flat,这栋楼有六家,平摊到每人大约费用是什么?我需要以这个给seller提降价要求吗?要是是的话,多少合适呢?请大家帮帮忙看一看,提提意见,非常谢谢?
“From our limited inspection of the exterior, from ground level and from the windows of the
subject flat, no significant defects were discovered, with the exterior of the property in
generally reasonable condition.
The repairs to the exterior of the property detailed in this report would, in our opinion, be
commensurate with its age and comprise the following:
a) The re-slating of the front and rear slopes to the main roof.
b) The renewal of all of the leadwork around the perimeter of the main roof, to include the
leadwork at the bottom of the slated slopes, the abutment points where the felt and slates
meet adjacent areas of brickwork in the form of chimney stacks/parapet walls and the
leadwork to the dormers.
c) Minor repair works to the brickwork to the parapet walls/chimney stacks and the parapet
wall cappings.
d) The cleaning out of all debris from the gutters, together with ancillary minor gutter and
downpipe repairs, as necessary.
e) Minor repairs of areas of defective render to the front elevation.
f) Repairs to the window of the subject flat, as necessary.
g) Full external redecoration.
h) The erection of a scaffold for all of the previous works to take place.
i) The renewal of the asphalt covering to the flat areas at ground floor level and to the steps
leading up to the communal front entrance door.
j) Other works to the site by way of routine maintenance, as deemed to be necessary at the
Such an external refurbishment/redecoration programme is now overdue and should have
been carried out a number of years ago. It is now required as soon as possible.
We presume that any works to the exterior of the property will be funded from the service
charge, which all of the lessees will contribute into. Sometimes, if a block has been well
managed, a service charge fund will have been accumulated that can fund such an external
repair programme without the need to make any additional financial demands on the lessees.
However, if no service charge fund has been accumulated, the costs of the repair programme
will need to be funded by a one-off demand on all of the lessees, which can sometimes be a
considerable amount of money running into many thousands of pounds. You should ensure
via your solicitor that you clarify which of these two options applies to the subject property.
In respect of the interior of the property, the following items need attention:
a) A few internal doors need easing and adjusting.
b) The boarded finish beneath the tiles to the kitchen and bathroom may well need to be
strengthened if further cracking of floor tiles is to be prevented.
c) A significant amount of internal redecoration is required.
d) Some works may be deemed to be necessary as the result of an electrical test.
e) A number of minor defects to the sanitary fittings need attention.”