
This apartment is on the very good location of center London. Just next to the hype park, and not far from Oxford street. Also the apartment is on the busy Edgware road. You can go to shop or restaurant in the mid night. The apartment is very nice to keep warm. Like Serive apartment. This apartment have 24hours security. Very safe and easy go every way. In very center of london. If you like shop, you can walk to famous shopping mall Selfridge. And very close a few tube: Marble Arch station, Edgware road station, Paddington station,and Mayblone Station. Very nice location! You will like it. If you like it, pls just email me:[email protected] thanks!这个一房一厅公寓地处伦敦海德公园边上,离牛津街购物一条街非常近,在伦敦市中心富人区Mayfair 对面,如果您想购物,可步行到伦敦非常出名的购物商城Selfridge,公寓本身也在伦敦中东街上,就算午夜,你也可以下楼吃饭,去商店,但是公寓本身非常安静,有24小时保安,取暧非常好,像酒店式公寓!并且这个公寓在夏天有非常多的中东人来出租,447英尺,44.3平方,可以租到2000-2800英镑/月左右,平时也可租到2000英镑/镑/月,回报率不错,楼下就有非常多的中介,自己住也非常好,地理位置得天独厚,到那都方便,步行到牛津街10分钟左右,海德公园5分钟左右,伦敦唐人街也就大约30分钟,到伦敦第二唐人街Bayswater也非常近,并且离几个地铁站非常近,可步行到地铁站:Marble Arch station,Edgware road station,Bond street station,也可步行去火车站Paddington station,Marylebone station. 地理位置非常好,您一定会喜欢,欢迎预约看房!07850128886。邮箱[email protected]谢谢!非诚勿扰!
