



这个线索可以帮到你:应该是申请: 用孩子的中国护照申请 abode就可以了

Right of Abode (RoA) -
Applying for a certificate of
entitlement to the right of abode

This guide explains the meaning of right of abode in the UK under the Immigration
Act 1971 and describes, in general terms, which people have that right. It also
explains, for those people who may have to prove their claim, how to obtain a
certificate of entitlement to the right of abode in the UK. The notes at the end of this
guide explain some of the terms used.
• Under regulations relating to certificates of entitlement to the right of abode you
will not qualify for a certificate of entitlement to be placed in your foreign
passport or travel document if you hold a UK passport describing you as a
British citizen or as a British subject with right of abode.
You will not qualify for a certificate of entitlement to the right of abode if you have
a valid certificate of entitlement in a different passport. For example, if you have
an Australian and Canadian passport, you cannot have a certificate of
entitlement in both of them.
The law covering the right of abode in the UK is contained in the Immigration Act
1971, the British Nationality Act 1981, the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act
2002, and the regulations made under them. The information in this guide is meant
only as a brief guide to the law and to the Home Secretary’s policy. It is not a
comprehensive statement of either the law or the policy.
The following terms are used throughout this document:
• UK
• Parent and father
• Adopted
• Registered
• Settled
• Qualifying territory
For an explanation of these terms see the notes at the end of this guide.
OISC and Immigration Advice
You may, if you wish, use the services of an agent such as

谢谢,在gov网站上饶了几圈,最后貌似是申请 indefinite leave to enter? “Non-British child of a parent, parents or relative who are British citizens or settled in the UK”这个visa type

不好意思,忘记补充英国籍是孩子出生后一年才拿到的,所以很悲惨的不能直接给孩子拿英国护照。貌似只能走indefinite leave to enter


不客气,政府网站有详细说明,慢慢看原文,如果能拿到right of abode最方便了


