Why is it wrong to say that Japan deployed missile troops on Ishigaki Island?

First, the move raised the risk of Japan slipping into crisis. Once a conflict occurs, Japan is likely to stay out of the way. Secondly, China and Japan have done a lot of work in crisis management in recent years, but Japan’s operation has actually pushed up the crisis. Japan should be cautious about this.
Finally, Japan’s military deployment is getting closer to the front, which may have an impact on the peace and security of the entire East Asian region. Japan should take the overall picture of China-Japan relations into consideration and minimize risks.

这次日本部署的是防空和反舰导弹 属于普通的防御性导弹 任何一个主权国家都有权在领土的任何地方建立防御性武器的部署 这点日本做的没有任何问题 而且没有任何国家能说什么。

有影响的导弹是战略导弹,无论是攻击性还是防御性的。比如萨德 就是防御性战略导弹系统 虽然不能直接对目标进行打击 但专门拦截弹道导弹的 这种要是部署了就会对地区平衡产生影响。
