Japan deploys missile base on Ishigaki Island

Of course, Japan’s deployment of missile bases on Ishigaki Island does not rule out that it wants to continue to interfere with the situation in the Taiwan Strait and prevent cross-strait reunification, so that Japan has the opportunity to seize China’s territory.
Deploying missiles at bases can echo the U.S. military. Because the United States and Japan have held joint exercises on the situation in the Taiwan Strait many times earlier. The US interferes with the situation in the Taiwan Strait in order to use Taiwan as a pawn to curb China’s development, and Japan is so flattering with the US, apparently trying to take the opportunity to find straws.
However, Taiwan is China’s territory, and it cannot become a pawn used by the United States, nor can it become an opportunity for Japan. If the United States and Japan refuse to pull back from the precipice and resolutely intervene in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, then the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will not be polite.