最近要remortgage 贷款利率都那么高了吗!有那些可以选择?




定期存款利息都有2.7了 不能贷款比这还低吧


Rate rise makes it cheaper to rent than buy
Renting a home is now cheaper than buying following the Bank of England’s interest rate rise, new figures reveal. Until last week it was on average £40 a month cheaper to pay for a mortgage with a 10% deposit than it was to rent the same home. But following the rate rise, Hamptons found that it is now up to £98 a month cheaper to rent than buy. "Rising interest rates are set to swing the scales for would-be first-time buyers. This is a reversal of pre-pandemic times when the average buyer saved nearly £800 a year by owning rather than renting,” said Aneisha Beveridge, head of research at the firm. The research shows that across the country renting has gone from being an average of £40 more expensive a month for those with a 10% deposit to £1 cheaper a month than buying. There are significant regional differences though, with it generally being cheaper to rent than buy further south, while further north it tends to be cheaper to buy than rent. In the east of England it is now £98 a month cheaper to rent than buy while in Scotland it is £176 a month more expensive to rent. For buyers with a 5% deposit, the base rate rise means it will be £105 per month more expensive to buy than rent, up from £59 in May 2022. “Over the next year or so we expect several further small interest rate rises, with mortgage rates set to peak around the middle of 2023, which will add to the cost of buying in cash terms,” Ms Beveridge said. “We also expect rental growth to slow later in the year as rising living costs squeeze affordability. By this point it will mean that for new buyers with smaller deposits, the monthly cost of purchasing a home will be significantly higher than renting one.”

短短不到一个月,利率涨了这么多:sob: 我刚拿钥匙,2.49% 利率,5年fixed。 我情况比较复杂,中介推荐的broker,500手续费。



借楼主帖子问问,我一个月前申请的那时是2. 4%但最近突然和我说贷不了那么多钱,好像老问很多问题,搞不懂为什么,但现在现在听朋友说到2.79,请教懂内行的朋友。

1 那是不是说我一个月前2.4%5年大概率的银行会找个理由不批给我们了?我一直想他们如果这么低批的话,不是明亏吗?那就更不可能同意这个2.4%贷款了?



正式application making 以后,利率就是offer上的利率

如果你信用过关了,但是最终贷款拒绝你的原因就是贷款材料hard check结果不满意。


谢谢你,那我需要问问我的broker 吗,探探他口风,问他是不是要被拒之前withdraw,但是这话好像好难开口问啊。

1 broker会在银行拒绝我之前, 大概知道银行的决定吗?如果不成的话,我好自己先withdraw啊。

2 即使我提出低利率的疑问,broker会告诉我真实情况吗?还是他会说没问题呢?

谢 谢:sweat_smile:

hard check就是对你的材料进行审核。不是光指鉴定你提供材料的真伪,还有材料里面的内容,例如你提供的银行月结单里面每一笔钱来源 。如果信息不足,还有要求申请人解释或者递交其他证明材料呢



但是不管你申请成功不成功,只要你正式递交了贷款申请,记录都会存在credit report里面。下一个lender一看就知道的
