大家好,我刚收到Homesurvey report希望听听大家的意见!Surveyor 主要就highlight了2个lv3 /需要紧急处理的事情,一个是浴室地砖翘起来了,一个是电的检查。
另外一个问题是关于电器的检查的,感觉就是没啥大毛病但是建议检查一下 - 这个有需要吗?需要做什么检查呢,EICR吗?
Although we observed no visual areas of concern to electrical installation, a qualified electrician should undertake a precautionary inspection to ensure that the system is safe, fully up-to-date and complies with current BS7671:2018 (IEE 18th Edition) regulations. You are recommended to arrange for testing to be carried out now, before any legal commitment to purchase or exchange contracts