请问 Capital Gains Tax, Self Assessment 报税是同一个,还是分开的呢?

请问 Capital Gains Tax, Self Assessment 报税是同一个,还是分开的呢?
我的2021年4月-2022年4月,有房租收入,股票投资是亏损的,想把股票的损失Forward到下一年。 我该怎么申报呢?
请问是只填写一个Self Assessment 就可以吗?还是有单独的申报表格专门处理Capital gain的收入或损失?谢谢!

这个真的得找个accountant,特别是要claw back loss,你自己研究半天估计还会被税务局查

CGT应该是直接再self assessment里头做的我记得

inside the self assesment tax return form
Listed shares and securities Please read the notes before filling in this section.
23 Number of disposals
24 aDisposal proceeds
25 aAllowable costs (including purchase price)
26 aGains in the year, before losses
27 aLosses in the year






how many transaction?
if day trades, put the total count of the transaction (700? 1000?)
24 sold price total disposed, if day trade 100k a day and transaction iall add up (if 40 million then put 40 million total.) if you sold , add up the total sold on xls or bank transaction statement for the whole tax year
25 disposed cost (the purcahsed price inc transaction charge by the bank and the stamp duty on shares purchased is allowed to add up)
26 if profit
27 if loss