事情是这样的,我瞒着父亲把他闲置的公寓出租给一对意大利两公婆,我们没有签署正式合同,只是邮件里确认了是rolling contract,并且是以lodger的名义且房租我要求他们付的现金。他们和邻居因为垃圾分类问题闹矛盾(还有其他的问题但垃圾是导火索),我于是给他们4周通知搬走。对方现在就一直说要起诉我,然后要我赔偿押金。
Compensation for failure to protect my tenancy deposit
Section 213 of the Housing Act 2004 required that you protected my deposit with a
government-backed scheme within 30 days of the payment of my deposit.
You failed to protect my deposit with a government-backed scheme.
You failed to protect my deposit within 30 days of the payment of my deposit.
You failed to give me the necessary information about the tenancy deposit scheme
you used within 30 days of the payment of my deposit.
You informed me that you moved £100 pounds of my deposit after I move, making
fake allegations that the closet was damage. I did not receive any inventory about
the flat or a reference number from the deposit scheme and you put on my informal
tenancy agreement the value of £589 of the deposit (Already discounted).
Section 214 of the Housing Act 2004 provides that where the court is satisfied that
you failed to comply with your obligations under the law relating to tenancy deposit
protection it must order that you pay me one to three times the amount of the
deposit paid.
I am open to reasonable offers about compensation to settle this matter to avoid
the costs of going to court.
If I do not hear from you or we are unable to come to a reasonable agreement by the
date after I leave the flat, I will issue court proceedings in the county court without
further notice.
I reserve the right to include a claim for interest on the unreturned deposit.
I will also be asking for an order to cover my costs. I will be relying on court rules for
pre-action conduct that say you may have to pay more in costs if you ignore this