女儿已经在教会catholic学校的year 1,儿子要上幼儿园了交了申请资料,但是学校说要certificate if catholic practice,我们基督徒无法出示天主教的,这是什么意思就是我们有可能我儿子上不了同一所学校吗?一直以为siblings 都是优先的,现在还这么严了吗……
We cannot accept any other document, it just means that your application will be categorised on a low category when offering places.
For example:
*If you have a Certificate of Catholic Practice you child will be under category 2a (Baptised Catholic children with a sibling) *
If you don’t have a Certificate of Catholic Practice your child will go lower down on our Admission Criteria category 4B (other baptised Catholics without a Certificate of Catholic Practice who are resident in the Parish)