我这个restrictions on title是啥

我的三个titles的B: Proprietorship Register 有下面俩个毛病:
1, 我们的邮箱显示在PROPROETOR:那一行的后面。卖家的一年前注册的时候,就没有邮箱。邮箱能移除掉吗?
“No disposition of the registration estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a certificate signed by a conveyancer that that conveyancer is satisfied that the person who executed the document submitted for registration as disponor is the same person as the proprietor"
"No disposition of the registration estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge dated xxxxx in favour of Bank xxxx referred to in the charges register "


英文看的懂。当时不明白为什么加上这个restriction。我们买卖房产或者remortgage 都得找律师证明“我是我”,需要格外花钱找麻烦。我研究了下,是因为我们买了一个fraud protection 服务。但是买的时候也没人跟我们说是干什么的,以为是必须买的。结果现在知道了,是花钱给自己买麻烦。我在要求律师给除掉。律师联系不上,明天继续打电话

You got it. 这就是fraud protection的真谛。。。