我家去年新买的bungalow,打算在阁楼加两个卧室和一个洗手间。目前有个画图公司给了报价4千多点,设计画图加planning permission+building control,不知道这个价格靠谱不?



他的building control是啥意思?施工时候去检查?

画个图 再加申请 应该不会这么高的价钱。 你再多找几个设计师问问。


我找建筑师的时候,前前后后谈了十个左右。最便宜的是一个builder固定的建筑设计师,设计部分只收600。 最贵的是一个独立工作室,按最后工程的造价10%收费。还谈过几个单独建筑设计师,价格浮动从1500 到 6000 之间。 有英国皇家建筑师学会 ( Royal Institute of British Architects)RIBA 认证的肯定比普通设计师更专业也更贵。


planning permission的申请费印象中是两百多镑。



谢谢大家的回复。我们现在是在咨询阶段,这家是我们之前一直用的builder给介绍的。goolge评分很高。我也不是很懂,我老公还在联系其他公司给报价。下面是quote里的,phase2里提到的structure design是不是木兰妈妈提到的结构框架设计啊?

Modify existing groof to create ace for two new bedrooms and a bathroom.
• Planning drawings and submission
• Building control drawings and submission including all structural designs.

clarity, the quote is broken down into individual phases. Phase 1 to 3 are included as standard in our fee.
• Phase 1 - is the production of the site plans and elevation. It will cover all aspects of the modifications and the design of the extension. The output is the 3D model detailing what the extension will look like which will form the basis planning application.
• Phase 2 is Building Control. This phase enhances the 3D model produced in Phase 1 and the output is the Building Control submission and the structural design. NOTE: Drainage information can only be completed if a drain survey is undertaken. Compliance with the statutory planning and building control requirements as detailed in Phase 1 and 2 is mandatory.
• Phase 3 is the preparation of a Tender Pack, including the Scope of Work drawings. These details all the additional information not already captured by the Planning and Building Control submissions. The purpose of the Tender Pack is to enable the contractor to accurately price for all requirements and then deliver the build to budget. A Tender Pack is not a legal requirement but from a financial planning and budget management perspective I would recommend that you undertake this exercise.
NOTE: If phase 3 is selected it runs concurrently with Phase 2.


• Planning drawings and submission
这部分就是 Architectural drawings and council planning application
• Building control drawings and submission including all structural designs.
你的建筑师会出三套图,一套是上面提交申请用的 一套是这个Building control drawings 我印象中是enginering drawings之后出的。我还没用到这些图,说是建的过程中会有building control的人来监理,会用到。第三套是给工人报价施工用的

我提到的结构工程师提供的是 engineering drawings 包括计算钢梁的位置和粗细以及必要的地基加固。我觉得没包含在里面,但最好直接问问他们,我知道如果结构很简单的情况下,有的建筑师会用网上的工具直接帮客户算出来。




这个东西没上限,伦敦肯定比其他地方贵,如果是排屋,限制在40立方,end of terrace 或者semi 可以建到50立方。本身的房型和阁楼的高度都影响你可以建的大小和格局。例如我家最后决定降first floor的屋顶,匀一部分层高给阁楼,这一项就比常规LOFT 要多差不多10K。你最好找几个BUILDER去实地看过你家房子之后让他们给你建议。

注意builder 的价格是纯建的价格,不包括门窗,浴室瓷砖,浴室三件套,地板/地毯 和刷墙等等,另外所有报价都是不含税的要再加20% VAT。
