别往下走了 看看这个招聘帖子吧

We are looking for partners
Responsible for product publication and reply to customer emails to facilitate order transactions
Age is not limited to men or women
Easygoing and good at communication
Good command of English and Internet access
Mobile phones and computers can work at home and have an extra income without leaving the house
Be flexible with your free time
v jld66889

Part-time staff wanted at home working hours are very flexible spare time can;
Responsible for product shelving and responding to customer emails to facilitate orders (both mobile and computer);
No experience can help guide the whole process have any questions can consult;
Can speak basic Chinese and English;
No deposit will be charged;
v jld66889

We are looking for partners
Responsible for product publication and reply to customer emails to facilitate order transactions
Age is not limited to men or women
Easygoing and good at communication
Good command of English and Internet access
Mobile phones and computers can work at home and have an extra income without leaving the house
Be flexible with your free time
v jld66889

We are looking for partners
Responsible for product publication and reply to customer emails to facilitate order transactions
Age is not limited to men or women
Easygoing and good at communication
Good command of English and Internet access
Mobile phones and computers can work at home and have an extra income without leaving the house
Be flexible with your free time
v jld66889

Job description: Responsible for product publication and reply to customer emails
Working hours: 1-2 hours a day:
Salary Details: Commission + Commission $100-500 per week
Other requirements: Legal status Fluency in English
Have a computer or cell phone and Internet access
v jld66889
QQ: 1477617374
whatsAPP: 13126610914