永居被拒,求问3个月语言课的t4 general student签证计入十年永居吗

13年7月持有t4 general student visa 来英国读书,因为语言成绩不够再七月开始在大学本校读了8周语言课,语言课程结束后直接衔接了九月份的正课。

知道4月出台的新政策短期学生签证不计入永居十年天数。特意查过了短期学生签证名称为short term student Visa. 看过了我的有效期三个月的签证是t4 general student就没多想。今天提交了签证申请结果被拒。

理由是我的residence应该从第二个正课的签证有效期开始日期也就是十月初才算。而且这十年基本上出境都是回国探亲,尽管总天数为500天出头,单次出境也没超过180天,依然说我family tie更多在中国。

求问可以申诉argue么,查了caseworker guidance也并没有明确说明3个月t4 student签证怎么算。







谢谢回复,我整理了下这两天自己去immigration rule 下的Student 和Short term student visa, 还有十年永居caseworker guidance收集来的一些信息,不知道可否麻烦帮我看下我是否论据充分呢?

ILR caseworker guidance上面看只是说Short Term Student Visa 不再计入永居。并没有提到T4学生签证类别下短期语言课的情况。

我看了现在Student Visa也就是当时t4 general student Visa,对比了Short Term Student Visa 感觉还是有区别,最主要的一点 T4 的pre-sessional language course是允许课程结束后就读higher level 课程,Short Term Student Visa 需要“Intend to leave UK” 我当时的CAS信上写我当时已经有BA本科的conditional offer, condition 之一就是需要满足语言成绩,所以不可能打算离境英国的。

我考虑因为我语言课title是international summer programme,不是T4明确提到的pre-sessional Language course, 所以认为我读的其实是短期课程?可是根据Immigration Rule 中的Student Rout, 对T4 Presessional language course 做了说明,要求如下:
ST 13.1. An applicant must either:
(a) show English language ability on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in all 4 components (reading, writing, speaking and listening) of at least:
(i) level B2, where the applicant is studying a course at UK bachelor’s degree level or above; or
(ii) level B1, where the applicant is studying a pre-sessional course or a course below UK bachelor’s degree level; or

另外对于不满足语言Level B2 的情况做了补充说明如下,我的CAS上也标注了我原本的语言level 为B1, 而 我的语言课 Course Level 为B2:
ST 15.1. A single Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies can be assigned for a combined pre-sessional course and a main course at degree level or above by a higher education provider with a track record of compliance if:
(a) the pre-sessional course lasts no longer than 3 months; and
(b) the main course will begin no more than 1 month after the pre-sessional course ends.
ST 15.3. If the applicant has been assessed (which must be by a method other than assessment by the student sponsor) as having language ability of at least level B1 in order to meet the English language requirement at ST 13.1., the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies must confirm that the student sponsor is satisfied that the applicant will have at least level B2 at the end of the pre-sessional course.

此外,T4 要求此前该学生是不能持有Short- Term student visa, 原文如下,这点我可以理解因为Short-Term Student Visa 要求课程结束是要离境英国的。那么如果我的语言课签证被认定为是Short-Term Student Visa 的话,我后续按理说是不能拿T4 student 签证,不知道这个是不是也能作为个论据?
ST 1.4. An applicant who is in the UK on the date of application must not have, or have last been granted, permission:

    1. (a) as a Visitor; or*
    1. (b) as a Short-term Student; or*
    1. (c) as a Parent of a Child Student; or*
    1. (d) as a Seasonal Worker; or*
    1. (e) as a Domestic Worker in a Private Household; or*
    1. (f) outside the Immigration Rules.*

我还对照了T4 对pre-sessional 语言课的要求,其中课程时长我语言课CAS中有说明为一周20小时full time. 只是没明确提课程是Class based, 但是给了study address是在大学校园。另外,我的语言课也是满足T4积分制70分要求。
ST 8.2. The application must be for a course which is one of the following:
1. (a) a full-time course at degree level or above that leads to an approved qualification; or
2. (b) a full-time course below degree level involving a minimum of 15 hours per week of classroom-based daytime study (08:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday) that leads to an approved qualification; or
3. (c) a full-time course involving a minimum of 15 hours per week of classroom-based daytime study that is a pre-sessional course; or

我不知道是否可以用以上条例来上诉证明我的课程属于T4分类下的pre-sessional course, 而不是Short Term Student Visa. 因为T4 本身存在3个月以内的语言课情况。且十年永居只是不认可Short Term Student Visa并没有提到T4 分类下的pre-sessional language course的情况。可以麻烦帮我看看我是否论据充分呢?



十年就是走humanitarian rule,申请结果受各种因素影响。签证官提到你family tie主要在中国,这方面你也好好收集证据表明你将来生活重心是在英国,也会增加你胜诉成功的概率。

谢谢,问过律师,他们都说不用管提到的family tie, 说都说常规流程因为觉得我不够时间所以才去看family tie。还是打算跟他申诉T4的事情。毕竟前不久也有人T410周语言课给下签的。估计是我语言课是时间短的短期所以弄混了。总之几个律师都讲很明显移民官搞错了。








最新信息更新,TIER4 以下的都算,不管多短时间的哪怕3个月,2024年4月的caseworker guidance 已经写清楚了,只要是有CAS的都是学生签(短期学生签没有CAS因为是unsponsored route), 也只有学生签能在英国境内续签,短期学生还有旅游者签证都不行。希望对别人有帮助!