

在英格兰,第二套房产税的extra那部分可以claim back如果你的房子三年内卖掉的话。

要看你卖掉的房子是不是你们的main residence,如果是置换新的main residence。我的理解是你这种情况不需要付additional dewelling supplyment(ADS)/在你买第二套房子的18月内把原来的main residence卖了可以claim回来。

Can I claim an ADS repayment

You can claim a repayment if:

  • a) you sell your previous property within 18 months of the date of buying your new one;
  • b) the property you sold was your only or main residence at any time in the 18 months before you bought the property that you paid the ADS on;
  • c) you have lived in the property you paid the ADS on as your only or main residence.

If all buyers have done all of these things a repayment claim can be made.

For spouses, civil partners and co-habitants there are special rules where only one buyer needs to meet point a) but both must meet b) and c)
