中介终于回复说请人去看了房子investigage,给的解决方案是给窗户加 draught excluders around the outside of the frame。 报价是一个客厅+1卧室+厨房+卫生间 共840英镑。关键是对方的邮件没有给我信心花这么多钱能解决问题,以下是中介转发的修理方的邮件。请大家帮我看看这个能解决问题么?价格是不是贵了些?
We attended the property today. Windows are double glazed but the older style which appear to be causing draughts. Living Room/Kitchen/Bedroom /Bathroom: Recommend new draught excluders around the outside of the frame where the window closes. This will close the gap and hopefully reduce the draught.
08/01/2024 Kitchen: 20.0% S 150.00 08/01/2024 Bathroom: 20.0% S 150.00 08/01/2024 Bedroom: 20.0% S 200.00 08/01/2024 Living Room: 20.0% S 200.00