最近在網上買了一瓶二手全新科顏氏Ultra Facial Cream,在照片中顯示是未開封的,但沒有照片展示其batch number. 因為賣家有很多的好評又是未開封的,我就下了單(後悔了)
下單後,賣家幾個小時後就出貨了,兩天後我收到包裹。一打開後就悲劇了 瓶子是科顏氏正品沒錯,但是已開封的,面霜的質地跟Nivea body lotion 一樣粗糙和黏稠,還有一股怪味
照片發了過去。他“義正嚴詞”的說:I can see the inconsistency in the texture and not quite sure why it is not sealed. It is sealed when I post it.
我懶得跟這種臉皮厚的賣家爭執,就一直等到客服suspend the order 後,賣家被要求出示面霜是真品的證據。第二天他發來5張照片,而在此面霜的頁面中只有2張(未含batch number)。我速回他:這兩個不是同一個東西,雖然batch number 一樣,但你賣給我的那瓶數字其實模糊的。他又回:Yes, I can see the difference. Customer service asked me to provide the proofs of the authencity of the product and let’s wait for their solution . 就是嘴硬不認錯