

符合一定的要求,loft conversion是permitted development,不用planning permission.
The total enlarged volume (enlarged volume from the original roof space) must not be greater than 50m3 for semi-detached or detached houses, and 40m4 for terraced (including end of terraced) properties.
The dormer must be constructed with a minimum of 200mm back from the eaves or gutter line, i.e., 200mm horizontally from front of the fascia board (back of the gutter). But, some planning officer interpret that part of the PD rules as ‘200mm back from the rear wall external face’ instead of the eaves line. A bit of grey area on this item. Its cheeks (two side faces) must be a minimum of 200mm in from the party wall on both sides. 上面这条缩进200mm的要求最近在审核是不是可以放宽。


一般来说loft conversion 是permitted development, 不用声请任何,除了building control, 但是最好和council 申请一个lawful development certificate, 以免以后麻烦,我找人做过好几个loft, 其中一个以为不要planning, 结果搞好了被council 告需要planning, 我就只好retrospective planning application, 好在t他们批准了