Dear Parent/ Carer
We are excited to be hosting some pupils from China in July. There will be xx students w/b xx July joining us at xxx. They will be placed in years 4-6 and are aged 9-11. We are hoping this will be a great learning opportunity for our children to experience life in another country. The Chinese children are learning English at school so will have some basic conversational English. The pupils will join in all activities that we have planned - such as Science week, sports day and obviously International Day too.
We would like to ask if you would be interested in hosting 2 students in your home for 6 or 12 nights?
Each host family needs to:
- Have 2 spare beds that can be used for 6 or 12 nights
- Provide breakfast and dinner for the 2 pupils aged 9 -11
- Transport the 2 pupils to and from xxx School
- Collect the pupils on xxx from xxx station and bring them back on xxx to the same location
For hosting students, you will receive remuneration to cover food and utilities [around £35 per pupil per night].
然后更搞笑的是,英国家长看到了这个消息,惊讶的说 , 天啊,跟中国比,我们是不是把我们的小孩保护的太过了,难以想象我们会把这么小的孩子随便送的一个别人家,感觉像 War time 。。。 so random…
感觉这些游学的小孩,以为自己被安排的很好,但是在英国人眼里,跟战乱年代逃难的似的。。。 So random…
注 二战时候英国政府就把伦敦周边小孩子们送到了北部, 很多书都有描写那时候的情形。