不懂就问:The Telegraph的文章可信度如何?


比较偏右,但是内容算比较靠谱的,毕竟是well established

好像以前和中国关系好的的时候他们和ccp 有个deal, 每期给一个板块租给ccp 搞subtle 宣传之类,后来两国关系不好了他们就把这个deal 解约了

UK Tabloids are the ‘popular’ papers such as The Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Mirror and The Sun

The Telegraph is a broadsheet, not a tabloid.

It has been criticised in recent years for a certain ‘tabloidization’, i.e. more stories on celeb gossip, less on important news. For this reason, well known satire/investigative journalist magazine Private Eye has called it the ‘Hellograph’ (in reference to gossip magazine Hello.

Because it is politically right wing and has shown, I think it’s fair to say, pretty open support for the Conservative party (also known as the Tories), Private Eye has also sometimes called it the ‘Torygraph’.

Overall I would say it is broadly reliable for news with some interesting columnists and a good sports section. It has a very right-leaning editorial line, so political stories should be read through that prism. I’m a bit of a lefty so don’t like it very much (in the UK, the paper you read is often a good barometer of political beliefs), but it’s what I grew up with cos my Dad reads the Telegraph. And in my head at least, that’s it’s ultimate stereotype, it’s the paper your conservative Dad reads.


他们党还有个杂志叫the spectator.

Guardian 是标准的白莲花,白左的象征,比他还左的也有,比如 the independent


The Guardian 昨天的一条新闻
