请问这是4am 还是 4pm?

请问这个bus lane的operating time是4am~7pm还是4pm~7pm?



4–7 PM is the time between 4 PM and 7 PM

Thanks, then in the test time, the bus lane is not in operation. So I should use it.

The next question: suppose there is car parked in the entry of the bus lane. So I cannot enter it from the entry point (broken white line). After the parked car, I need to cross the solid white line in order to use the bus lane. Is it a serious fault by cross the white line in this case, as otherwise I won’t be able to use it.


What happens if you cross into a bus lane?

In some circumstances you may be required to cross the solid white line into the bus lane. You should only drive into the lane when you have no other choice but to move over.

These cases could include; to avoid an obstruction in the road, to move out of the path of an emergency vehicle or to avoid an accident.

If you do enter a bus lane you must make sure you leave it again as soon as is safe to do so.

另外强调一点,如果可以不用BUS LANE尽量不要去用



您对serious fault 的定义得再去研究研究。 我记得我之前哪个贴里回过。

驾驶时候对其他road user 会造成危险才是serious fault.

你过实线,哪怕是bus lane time, 如果你在bus 前头强行插入,那就是serious fault. 如果没任何车或人,你进去,最多是个观察不仔细,不算serious fault.

驾驶时候对其他road user 造成危险的叫dangerous fault

There are 3 types of faults you can make:

  • a dangerous fault - this involves actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property
  • a serious fault - something potentially dangerous
  • a driving fault - this is not potentially dangerous, but if you keep making the same fault, it could become a serious fault