

我的理解是:这里的our 指的是 media action


和bbc news不是同一个部门

包括慈善组织和新闻组织,新闻组织应该是bbc World Services :relaxed:

BBC world service 是BBC news 的一部分吧:relaxed:


那为什么叫licence fee呢 既然不是founded

Donation fee 更好:relaxed:可以冲税

没有人说media action 包括新闻组织和 bbc news 吧?你再读读




是BBC world service​:relaxed:包括BBC中文网吧

bbc 是public service 的一种
所以从政府领licence fee,


我小时候有过曾经不理解,现在我完全同意,BBC是一个难得可贵的相对独立,impartial 的媒体,作为普通老百姓,大家应该资助和支持。




但是执政党可以决定是不是取消licence fee :joy:




Why do viewers pay a licence fee?

When the BBC was founded in 1922, civil servants and wireless pioneers struggled to establish radio on a financially sustainable basis. American commercial broadcasting served as a warning. In their rush to make money, US entrepreneurs established stations without enough listeners or advertisers, and many quickly went bust.

British newspapers, meanwhile, worried that UK stations would steal their advertisers and readers, and lobbied hard to restrict the nascent BBC’s commercial activities.
The resulting compromise had little to do with any idealistic concept of an independent public service. The BBC was granted an official monopoly of all British radio, creating a single viable broadcaster.

To reduce opposition from newspaper companies, on-air advertising was ruled out, in favour of a listener licence fee. This fee had already been introduced by the government, long before the creation of the BBC, as a means to regulate amateur wireless experimenters. People who wanted to listen to BBC radio had to purchase a 10-shilling licence.

Over the following years, the BBC’s founding director general John Reith and others made a virtue of necessity, arguing that a non-commercial BBC was the best wayto deliver public service broadcasting.

Because the BBC did not have to worry about selling airtime to advertisers, it could provide a universal service of the best programmes, containing something for everyone. Indeed, because it was funded by a universal fee, it had a duty to do so.

The licence fee also gave the BBC a measure of independence from politicians and civil servants. The government had the power to set the licence fee whenever it came up for renewal, but it could not turn the tap of funding on and off at will. The licence fee endured and in 1946 was raised to £1.

Those who wanted to watch the BBC’s fledgling television service (introduced in the 1930s but suspended during the second world war) had to pay double – and the TV licence was born.



本来就没几块钱,一个月15,大家能拥有这么一个相对很impartial 的媒体,为大家的利益监督,也给大家一个相对中立,对国内外事情的认知。

很多人反对是缺乏认知。我不但自己交tv license, 我几处出租房也都给房客付着呢。