希望大家多分享一些新的资讯,今天我说一个,最近刚知道的一个政府项目,帮助低收入人群升级家里的保暖系统 ,房屋EPC必须 是D级或以下的,家庭总收入低于31000的,具体看下面写的,我没有在任何英国公众号听到这个信息,也没在论坛里听到有人提起过,很遗憾2个月前刚刚花3000多换了锅炉,这个项目出租房也适用,只要住在里面的人满足条件,当然房东需要出点钱,但是应该可以打折,具体打多少我不知道,但是我刚换的这个租户家庭完全满意条件,残疾儿童拿福利加一个人工作。可惜当时不知道这个优惠政策。有兴趣的朋友可以研究一下,房东也可以申请 ,但是租客必须足够低收入拿福利。
Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) – this scheme aims to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of the property – in order to do so, they typically look to install a combination of measures (so could be a mix of insulation/heating upgrades or things like solar panels). The eligibility for this scheme is based on the Energy Performance Certificate (must be rated D or below) and one of the following:
- Total household income is below £31,000
- Someone in the property is receiving a means-tested benefit (e.g. Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit + several more)
- Someone in the household has a health condition worsened by the cold (incl cardiovascular, respiratory, immune-suppressed conditions or limited mobility).
Typically, an installer will apply for the scheme on your behalf – as part of this process, the installer would request some evidence from you (the type would depend on which route you qualify under) and conduct a free, no obligation survey. Once the evidence has been checked and if there enough viable measures, the work can then go ahead. There may be some customer contribution, however usually can only be calculated once the survey has been completed. You can apply if you are a homeowner or if you are a private tenant, there would be a mandatory contribution from the landlord and would also require their written consent.
To access the funding, an installer must increase the Energy Performance Certificate by 2 bands (for example band E to band C). If there are not enough viable measures to increase the EPC by 2 bands they installer may not be able to proceed with the funding.
We are currently working with an organisation called the ECO Grants team – they arrange surveys, assist with evidence and then find an installer who can complete the work. If you would like us to put you in touch with them please give us a call on 0800 038 5722 or send the following information:
- Please read this page and confirm that we have your permission to store your data.
- Your full address and postcode
- Date of Birth
- What your tenure is (do you own your home or are you a tenant of a private landlord, a housing association, or the council)
- How many adults and children living in the home?
- If anyone is receiving any benefits, if not then the income of the home
- Info about any health conditions or disabilities in the home
- What is the current heating system?
If we passed your details to them, you would receive a call within 10 working days to begin the process.
There is a useful FAQ section on the Ofgem website here: FAQs for domestic consumers and
You can also find installers by using the ‘Find a tradesperson’ on the TrustMark website: TrustMark - by using the advanced search feature you can select Energy Company Obligation in the ‘Funding Options’ section and it should bring up ECO4 installers in your area.