苹果世界开发者大会2010直播结束. iPhone 4 发布!! 请大家在这里讨论

11:05AM Oh my god. Jobs is asking everyone to turn off their network cards and MiFis!


11:05AM He’s asking people to set their laptops on the floor.

11:05AM Guess what – we’re not doing that.


11:06AM Thanks 3G card!



11:06AM “So number 6 – iPhone OS 4. The most advanced mobile operating system in the world. First off, we’re going to rename it.”

11:06AM iOS 4!

11:07AM “And we’re going to give it some metal!”

11:08AM “There are some big new features – the first being multitasking. People said you weren’t the first, but we figured it out. If you don’t do it right, you kill the battery.”

11:08AM “We’ve added folders, and a whole bunch of other things I won’t have time to demo today, but I’d like to demo these few things.”


11:09AM “I’m going to play some music, now I’m going to check some mail. Now I’m going to go to webpage and fine out if we did turn off our WiFi devices.” Yep. Huge applause.



MB, 他们把wifi关了, 好像就没有图了…:cn01:

11:09AM “I’m going to play some music, now I’m going to check some mail. Now I’m going to go to webpage and fine out if we did turn off our WiFi devices.” Yep. Huge applause.


11:10AM “I’m gonna go back to mail… and I can swipe to the right and there’s the audio controls for whatever audio app I’m using. And let me show you a few things in mail. You can see I have the unified inbox, and I’ve also got threading. I can see all of the messages in a single conversation.”

11:11AM “It makes it really easy to follow. Now I’d like to go back to the home screen, and I’m going to create a folder. All I have to do is hold my finger on an icon, and drag it onto another icon, so I will drag this sports app onto another sports app and it automatically names it.”