
请问现在学生签证能随时转工签吗?还是要等学期结束了 (我是指学生签证那一年到期了才能转)才能转?
谢谢 坐等 急

符合Tier 2条件之后随时可以转。

可以参考 http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/immigrationlaw/immigrationrules/part6a/


Switch from a Tier 4 or other student visa
You must have got 1 of these qualifications from your student visa if you want to switch from a Tier 4 to a Tier 2 (General) visa:

a UK bachelors degree
a UK masters degree
a postgraduate certificate in education
a professional graduate diploma of education
The other student visa categories are:

student nurse
student re-sitting an examination
overseas qualified nurse
person writing up a thesis
postgraduate doctor or dentist
student union sabbatical officer

按照switch里面的对于student的解释,应该就算没有certificate只要是student visa就可以转… 只要其他T2的材料都齐全