


{:5_129:} 其实我那不叫creative。。。我是乱吵大杂烩~

Jade, I stole the receipe from my master, lol.

Check his post named “nan sheng de chu fang”.

Xie xie mm zhi chi.

yao dui de qi ban zhu de niu tou a

xie xie gg lai zhi chi

wo deng ni hao jiu le

wo yi luan chao ken ding bu hao chi:cn09:



ke shi wen ti shi wo bu zhi dao gai chao shen me, fang xie shen me dong xi hui hao chi, hahaha. zhen de tai que fa chuang zao li le

xie xie xiao l lai peng chang, wahahahaha

fen kai xin de shuo:cn08:


:cn11: wo jiu ai kuai jiang{:5_142:}

wo zhe wan quan shi an zhao cai pu zuo de, wo zi ji bi jiao bu hui chuang zuo, er qie wo zuo wan le dou ji bu zhu zen me zuo de. mei ci zuo hai shi yao zai kan cai pu.

忘了來說: 中秋節快樂!!{:5_142:}

{:5_145:} xie xie shi fu, gang dong si wo la!

Happy mid-autumn day to u too.


zao zao:cn11:

樓主中秋快樂哈,我今天又把你帖子重新全部看一邊,我那口水… 桌前的皮蛋瘦肉粥本來挺好吃的,對比你這些就一點都不香了…
那個红油口水鸡,寫下做法行麽? 我之前是不是問過你,但是我找不到答案在第幾葉了 嗚嗚~

樓主中秋快樂哈,我今天又把你帖子重新全部看一邊,我那口水… 桌前的皮蛋瘦肉粥本來挺好吃的,對比你這些就一點都不香了…
那個红油口水鸡,寫下做法行麽? 我之前是不是問過你,但是我找不到答案在第幾葉了 嗚嗚~

汗 剛剛蘋果抽風 發了兩遍 不好意思哇

xie xie mm zhi chi!

Sorry, I don’t have Chinese input at school. I actually learned how to make that chicken with red chilli oil from my master:cn08: . So it is actually not my receipe. I guess I don’t have the right to put the receipe here unless I get his authorization. :smiley:

He has a post here as well. Check the following link and you’ll find the receipe you want! http://bbs.powerapple.com/viewthread.php?tid=766544:cn07: