找工作 征服Online Test 之Verbal之不完全指南

找工作过程中费了九牛二虎之力完成Application Form或CV,终于盼到一封HR的EMAIL说“恭喜你的申请表通过,我们现在邀请你参加ONLINE TEST,必须在5天之内完成。。。”
这个ONLINE TEST一般包括Numerical, Verbal,还有些变态的公司要加考一些变态的图形逻辑推理。


1. 解题步骤
STEP 1:定位,找出题目在原文中的出处。
(1)找出题目中的关键词, 最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。
STEP 2:判断,根据下列原则和规律,确定正确答案。

2. True的特点
例 1
原文:Few are more than five years old.
题目:Most are less than five years old.
例 2
原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to
explain their demise.
题目:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.
解释:题目中的are unable to与原文中的are at a loss to 是同义词,题目中的why frogs are dying与原文中的their demise是同义词,所以答案应为True。
例 1
原文:Compare our admission inclusive fare and see how much you save. Cheapest is
not the best and value for money is guaranteed. If you compare our bargain
Daybreak fares, beware--------most of our competitors do not offer an all inclusive fare.
题目:Daybreak fares are more expensive than most of their competitors.
例 2
原文:For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes ------still quite a rapid response-------the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced.
题目:A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.
例 1
题目:First attempts at migratory beekeeping in America were unsuccessful.
原文:American beekeepers experimented with the same idea,moving bees on barges along the Mississippi and on waterways in Florida,but their lighter,woodern hives kept falling into the water.
例 2
题目:In the past,many port cities did more trade within their own country than with overseas ports.
原文:What evidence we have suggests that domestic trade was greater at all periods than external trade.
题目:Parking in Halls of Residence is handled by the Wardens of the Halls.
原文:A University permit does not entitle them to park in Hall car parks however,unless authorized by the Warden of the Hall concerned.
例 4
题目:STA Travel help finance the Students Adviser.
原文:International Students House now provides the service of an International Students Adviser.

3. False的特点
(1)题目与原文直接相反。通常用反义词、not加同义词及反义结构。no longer / not any more / not / by no means …对比used to do sth. / until recently /as was once the case
例 1
原文:A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies.
题目:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists.
例 2
原文:It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there is now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia’s forests.
题目:PVA has been used in Australia for many years.
(2)原文是多个条件并列,题目是其中一个条件(出现must或only)原文是两个或多个情形(通常是两种情形)都可以,常有both…and、and、or及also等词。以及various / varied / variety / different / diversified / versatile等表示多样性的词汇。题目是“必须”或“只有”或是“单一”其中一个情况,常有must及only / sole / one / single等词。
例 1
原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to
demand. Subject to availability, stand by tickets can be purchased from the driver.
题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent.
例 2
原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men’s Nordic skiing
events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union.
题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men’s winter Olympics.
(3)原文强调是一种“理论(theory)”, “感觉(felt)”,“倾向性(trend / look at the possibilities of)”,“期望或是预测(it is predicted / expected / anticipated that)”等词。而题目强调是一种“事实”,常有real / truth / fact / prove等词。
例 1
原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized.
题目:The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized.
例 2
原文:Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.
题目:It is a fact that frogs’ breeding cycles are upset by worldwide increases in temperature.
解释:原文中有 theory,强调是“理论”。题目中有fact,强调是“事实”。所以答案应为为False。
(4)原文和题目中使用了表示不同程度、范围、频率、可能性的词。原文中常用typical、odds、 many(很多)、sometimes(有时)及unlikely(不太可能)等词。题目中常用special 、impossible、 all(全部)、usually(通常)、always(总是)、及impossible(完全不可能)等词。
例 1
原文:Frogs are sometimes poisonous.
题目:Frogs are usually poisonous.
例 2
原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job.
题目:It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution.
▲可能 VS 绝对
可能: possible / probable / likely / may / maybe / seemingly / somewhat / apparently / seems / appears / perhaps / not necessarily / chances / odds / presumably / almost …
绝对: always / definitely / absolutely / irrefutably/ assuredly / indisputably / undeniably / certainly / invariably /unarguably / inevitably / without question …
(5)情况原文中包含条件状语,题目中去掉条件成份。原文中包含条件状语,如if、unless或if not也可能是用介词短语表示条件状语如in,with,but for或exept for。题目中去掉了这些表示条件状语的成份。这时,答案应为False。
例 1
原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of
young computer users.
题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous.
译文:媒体经常指责Internet ,因为它是危险的。
解释:原文中有表示条件状语的介词短语in the hands of young computer users, 题目将其去掉了。所以答案应为 False。
(6)出现以下词汇,题目中却没有说明。 less obviously / less likely / less possible
例 1
题目:There will be a surcharge for accommodation over the Christmas period.
原文:Even come and stay——the House will be offering reduced accommodation rates for students wishing to spend a few days in London over Christmas.
题目:Rapid response is considered desirable in handling cases of burglary.
原文:When someone rings the police after discovering their TV set has been stolen from their home,there is little point,in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime,in ensuring a very rapid response.It is common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours,days,even weeks after it has occurred.
例 3
题目:Parents save time and money by driving children to school.
原文:There are very significant time and money costs for parents associated with transporting their children to school,sport and to other locations.
例 4
题目:Mintel have limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups.
原文:Mintel’s survey,…,although this percentage is higher among women,managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44.
题目:Approximately one third of deleted fishing groups are in developing countries.
原文:One in three is deleted or heavily overexploited,almost all in the developed countries.

4. Not Given的特点 (也叫CANNOT SAY这是大家最头疼的:cn14: )
原文:Our computer club provides printer.
题目:Our computer club provides color printer.
解释:题目中涉及的概念“”比原文中涉及的概念“”要小。换句话说,计算机俱乐部提供打印机,但是是彩色还是黑白的,不知道或有可能,文章中没有给出进一步的信息。所以答案应为Not Given。
原文:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe.
题目:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK.
解释:题目中涉及的概念“UK”比原文中涉及的概念“Europe”要小。原文只说到塞浦路斯旅游的游客主要来自欧洲,有可能主要来自英国,也可能主要来自欧洲的其他国家,文章中没给出进一步的信息。所以答案应为Not Given。
(3)原文是某人的目标、目的、想法、愿望、保证、发誓等,题目是事实。原文中常用aim / goal / promise / swear / vow / pledge / oath / resolve等词。题目中用实意动词。
例 1
原文:He vowed he would never come back…
题目:He never came back…
解释:原文中说他发誓将永不回来,但实际怎么样,不知道。也可能他违背了自己的誓言。所以答案应为Not Given。
原文:His aim was to bring together, once every four years, athletes from all countries on
the friendly fields of amateur sport.
题目:Only amateur athletes are allowed to compete in the modern Olympics.
解释:原文中用aim表示“目的”,题目中用实意动词表示“事实”。把各国的运动员聚集到友好的业余运动的赛场上,这只是创建者的目的,实际情况如何,文章中没说,所以答案应为Not Given。
原文:In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit all palates and pockets.
题目:There is now a greater variety of restaurants to choose from in Sydney than in the past.
解释:原文中提到了悉尼有各种各样的餐馆,但并没有与过去相比,所以答案应为Not Given。
(5)原文中是虚拟 would / even if ,题目中却是事实。(虚拟语气看到当作没有看到)
例 1
题目:Fish farming can cause environmental destruction.
原文:Fish farming tends to damage coastline.
例 2
题目:The Egyptians keep bees on the banks of the Nile.
原文:The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives,probably on rafts,down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo.
题目:The rise in the female workforce in the European Community is a postitive trend.
原文:In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community’s female workforce grew by almost six million.

同是是非题,有时题目要求考生答Ture/False/Not Given,有时要求答T/F/NG,有时又要求考生答Yes/No/Not Given,必须按照要求去做,否则,本来判断正确,因为不符合要求而失分,很可惜。避免答错的一个方法是:在平常练习中就按照题目的要求去答,而不是随心所欲。
A.P: various / versatile / complete Q: only A: FALSE
B.P: A+B+C Q: only A / B / C A: FALSE
C.P: A Q: only A A: NOT GIVEN
P: The introduction of the WEB in the 1990 allowed not only texts links to be
made but also graphs,images and even video.
Q: The internet was created in the 1990s.
P: 1981,less than ten years later the frogs had completely vanished.
Q: The frogs became extinct by 1991.
P: Unfortunately, this freak of nature is not the only frog species to have been lost in Australia. Since 1970s, no less than eight others have suffered the same fate.
Q: Eight frog species have become extinct so far in Australia.


  1. P: Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.
    Q: Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.

  2. P: In fact, it would be true to say that both parties consist of conservative, moderate and radical elements, and therefore the general public is often perplexed about which party to vote for.
    Q: Some Australian voters are confused about who to vote for.

  3. P: It has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes—still quite a rapid response—the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced.
    Q: A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.

  4. P: Almost all the 200 fisheries monitored by the FAO are fully exploited. One in three is depleted or heavily overexploited, almost all in the developed countries.
    Q: Approximately one third of depleted fishing grounds are in developing countries.

  5. P: While this includes complex kingdoms, as in Africa, and ancient empires, such as those of the Americas, the primary focus of attention in the twentieth century collections has been on small-scale societies.
    Q: The twentieth-century collections come mainly from mainstream societies such as the US and Europe.

  6. P: Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom.
    Q: Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.

  7. P: Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway
    Q: Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.

  8. P: Pubs are the venue for smaller modern bands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city.
    Q: The Entertainment Centre is only for international popular music artists who attract large audiences.

  9. P: Initially, students and other users will have to purchase a Prepaid Services Card from a teller machine located in the Library or B Block Computer Labs.
    Q: You can only buy a Prepaid Services Card at the library.

  10. P: A recent survey carried out in 1988 by Britain’s Equal Opportunities Commission(EOC)revealed that 78% of sharers were female, the majority of whom were between the ages of 20 and 40.
    Q: The majority of male job sharers are between 20 and 40 years of age.

  11. P: The Labor Party was formed early in the twentieth century to safeguard the interests of the common working man and to give the trade unions political representation in Parliament.
    Q: The Labor Party was formed by the trade unions.

  12. P: The 57 square kilometer Sydney Harbor is one of the largest in the world.
    Q: Sydney Harbor is the largest in the world.

  13. P: Thus, for instance, at the last election there was the No Aircraft Noise Party, popular in city areas, and the Green Party, which is almost solely concerned with environmental issues.
    Q: The No-Aircraft-Noise Party is only popular in the city.

14.P: In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit all palates and pockets.
Q: There is now a greater variety of restaurants to choose from in Sydney than in the past.

  1. P: Tourists come mainly from Europe.
    Q: Tourists come mainly from the UK.

  2. P: Many lecturers find their jobs very rewarding.
    Q: The majority of lecturers get satisfaction from their work.

  3. P: Good health is something that people assume is a right to which everybody should be entitled.
    Q: Nearly everybody believes good health is a basic human right.


Q1. Demand for federal recognition is high because it is a prerequisite for benefit programmes.
True False Cannot say
文章中最后是说了被认可是可以得到一些福利,但文章中没有任何一句明确说时这二者间有什么因果关系,所以应该是CANNOT SAY

Q2. Since 1978 it has become harder for a tribe to achieve federally recognized status.
True False Cannot say
问题中带有数字一般可以比较快在文章中找到原文。单从1978这句前后两个副词和连词Historically…Since 1978, however…,历史上如何,然而,自从1978以后…,从而我们可以基本判断出1978后这项申请变发生了重大变化,是变难了吗?这句话中说从1978后,要达到7项要求,那肯定是变难了。所以选TRUE.

Q3. Federally recognized tribes are not subject to state laws and do not pay taxes.
True False Cannot say
文中虽然说了exempt from state and local jurisdiction但接下来又说request tax breaks,那么也就是说正常情况下还是要交税的。所以选FALSE

Q4. A large number of people who identify themselves as American Indians do not fulfil the legal definition.
True False Cannot say
文中第二句说there are hundreds of groups attempting to attain federal recognition.最后两句又说如果他们的祖先不是部落成员也是不会被认可的,所以选TRUE

Q1. Humans primarily use salt for food flavouring and preservation.
既然题目中说primarily,那涉及的范围肯定比原文中的要小更具体,所以是CANNOT SAY

Q2. The average adult consumes 50% more salt than is recommended by health experts.
文中只是提到了salt consumption has increased by 50% in the past four decades,但并没有提到题目中陈述的事实。
这属于“题目中的某些内容在原文中没有提及。题目中的某些内容在原文中找不到依据。”所以选CANNOT SAY

Q3. Frozen and processed foods contain above average levels of sodium chloride.
…salt consumption has increased 50%
…much of this increase can be attributed to the advent of frozen and processed foods

Q1. Because their elephant populations are thriving, Tanzania and Zambia want to lift the ban on ivory trading.
虽然文中提到这两个国家想lift the ban,但并没有提到这两个国家大象的数量在回升,并且也没提到他们要lift the ban的原因,所以选CANNOT SAY

Q2. Conservationists question the provenance of the ivory sold at one-off sales.
…much of the ivory sold is of unknown origin

Q1.Proudhon’s economic theory of mutualism was influenced by biological mutualism.
题目的陈述在文中找不到依据,所以选CANNOT SAY

Q2.Mutual banking establishments do not operate on a for-profit basis.
文中确实提到了这种形式的banking ‘generate money’,题目陈述与原文明显不符,所以选FALSE

Q3.Free association separates labour form hierarchy and ownership.
‘workers are not subordinated as a capitalist enterprise’



很有用~不过杯具的是 很多公司的verbal test要么就时间限制很短 要么就长得要命。。。我感觉local做都有难度 我们international真是。。。

大约95%的大公司graduate programme的工作在申请过程中都必须作这种ONLINE TEST的,当然前提是你的申请表或CV必须通过HR的审核。
ONLINE TEST通过后你会被邀请参加first interview,这个通过后你要去参加一整天的AC,如果这些关你都过了,你就拿到OFFER了。

我只觉得VERBAL TEST的时间给太少,从来没觉得有富余。
我遇到过有一些公司的系统是可能选择中文的,即便是这样,还是有不少人过不了。因为这种VERBAL TEST看上去是考语言,实际上是在考察应聘者的逻辑





{:5_136:} 一般要答对多少题才有机会呢????

