
问一个有点白痴的问题, 拿PR后一定要一年后才能申请英籍吗? 可以提前1个月申请吗?


不能提前一个月申请,必须熬满12个月。别忘了考life in the UK.

申请PR前要考Life in the UK 吗?

Yes :slight_smile:

Immigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions when you apply for naturalisation. Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of the residential qualifying period.

除非是通过spouse visa拿到的PR,并且配偶是英籍,在拿到PR之后,马上可以申请入籍

谢谢各位的回答:cn15: 好心人真的很多哦!!


那打个比方,如果我要2010年12月4号到一年,那么我2006年12月4号那天必须是在英国的,对吗? 中间离境就不管了,是这样吗?:cn06:



亲,那个是指通过spouse visa拿到PR的时候,对方是英籍,就可以马上申请入籍,不用再等一年


我理解的是,只要是配偶是British citizen,有PR之后,马上可以申请入籍

life in uk test 还需要再考一次么?弱弱的问一句?



应该是不用了. 因为到今年年11月为止, 之前的配偶签证都不需要考LIFE IN THE UK, 于是对这个人群而言将来是要考试才能拿PR或CITIZENSHIP的. 考过了还有什么需要再考呢?:slight_smile:

现在申请spouse visa 之前要考life in UK 吗? 我11月申请,没听说要考啊?:cn03:

怎么办呢? 现在考,也来不及了啊?!:cn03:

达人trant,:cn07: , 是不是从2010年11起,申请spouse visa 也要考life in uk 啊? 我在home office 上看,只说要改,没明确说一定要考。不知你是怎么理解的。谢谢trant:cn08:

不是考life in uk,是英语语言测试。

In June 2010 the government announced plans to introduce compulsory English language tests for all non-European migrants applying to come to the UK to join or marry their settled partner.
Today the UK Border Agency announced that these plans will be implemented from 29 November 2010. From this date, any migrant who wants to enter or remain in the UK as the partner of a British citizen or a person settled here will need to show that they can speak and understand English, by taking an English language test with one of our approved test providers.
The new rules will apply to anyone applying as the husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner, same-sex partner, fiance(e) or proposed civil partner of a British citizen or a person settled in this country. They will be compulsory for people applying from within the UK as well as visa applicants from overseas.