入籍推荐人问题. 着急!!

请问如果不认识专业人士怎么办? 移民局会不会联系推荐人核实情况a??




Are you crazy or mad? You must, must find a professional person as your referee, which is clearly stated in the form. Never ever try to play tricks at this stage which could easily ruin your life. If you want to be a British, please behave like a British, doing things according to rules. Otherwise, seriously, you are the one who’s going to take the consequences.


“One referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, such as a
minister of religion, civil servant or a member of a professional body, for example
accountant or solicitor (but not representing you with this application).”

It’s safe to say that a professional person refers to a solicitor (or lawyer), a doctor, an accountant or a charted engineer, and many others mentioned in the above paragraph.






Thanks, I do know people with professional standing. In fact I am one myself. But the issue is that I have been moving around a lot hence can’t get one from a GP. I left uni 3 years ago so lost contact with my tutor and I have only been working for a little less than 3 years so colleagues are out of the question as well… Just a really awkward situation really.

By the way, a friend of mine has CFA. Is he qualify?

Sorry to hear about your awkward situation, and I truely understand. I think that a CFA (Charted Financial Analyst) should be OK for this purpose, and you have to mention his/her CFA status in the form. Although a CFA is not as popular as a ACCA, it’s still highly regarded as a professional status. At least you can show to HO that you’re genuine, honest and have given your best try. Good luck.

enen, 应该是50 镑。