
最近刚刚pr 打算明年9月入籍,女朋友刚刚申请永居(她dependant她父母签永居)
想问的是 如果我女朋友明年 年初拿了永居之后 她能不能和我9月一起入籍 这是不是她最快的方法 还是她也要等一年?


我先入籍 结婚之后她就可以马上入籍吗?

Nope, still need 1 year after PR.

:cn06:Comfusing now

这样子是不是她拿了PR 就不用等12 个月,就可以申请入籍了呢?

看来你要比我先申请 到时候回个帖 告诉我:cn13:

如果夫妻二人之间有一个是英籍还是pr来着 另一个不是~ 那另一个拿到pr的时候如果之前已经合法在英国呆了3年以上 可以直接入籍

仅限于spouse{:5_147:} 不过我忘记在哪看的了错了别说我~

看来没办法了 只能等了~~~:cn06:



这边的工作很难找 我土木基本没戏
那就是说 我入籍之后 我女朋友拿了pr就能直接入籍?(结婚的情况下)


恩 条件都符合 她的签证一直是dependant她 父母的 这样 没什么问题吧


There are seven requirements you need to meet before you apply:

  • you are aged 18 or over; and
  • you are of sound mind; and
  • you can communicate in English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic to an acceptable degree; and
  • you have sufficient knowledge of life in the United Kingdom; and
  • you are of good character; and
  • you are the husband, wife or civil partner of a British citizen; and
  • you meet the residential requirements; or
  • your husband, wife or civil partner is in Crown or designated service outside the United Kingdom.

Residential requirements

In order to demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

  • have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
  • have been present in the United Kingdom three years before the date of your application; and
  • have not spent more than 270 days outside the United Kingdom during the three-year period; and
  • have not spend more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the three-year period; and
  • have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.

Start of the residential qualifying period

The residential qualifying period will be worked out from the day we receive your application. Most unsuccessful applications fail because the applicant was not present in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the residential qualifying period. You must make sure you meet this requirement before you make your application. For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002.

You cannot count time you have spent in the United Kingdom while exempt from immigration control as part of the residential qualifying period. If you are in the United Kingdom as a diplomat or as a member of visiting armed forces or if you are in any place of detention, you would be considered exempt from immigration control. This time would be treated as absence from the United Kingdom.

谢了 小蜜蜂