
我08年学生签到期,申请续签的时候用的是和当时男朋友未婚同居的申请方式申请,但是被拒签了,当时也Appeal过,但是最后还是输了,所以就回国了,在他规定的时间内回国的。09年1月份我以配偶签证入境,现在已经拿到永居,想请问大家我这样算是违反“■have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.”这个条款吗??我现在是已经可以申请入籍了吗??

另外入籍是不是就是联系NCS之后,约时间,到那里交申请表AN,交钱交所需资料,然后就等消息??那老公的护照是他复印了之后就退还吗??这个过程是不是就是做Naturalisation了? sorry,问的有点白痴。谢谢了。

入籍可以先找NCS 也可以直接寄。 如果去NCS的话~ 他们会check你的资料 护照帮复印 当场退还 我这村的NCS现在是55磅 不了解别的地方。

大概两个月吧 就会通知你 如果过了就准备宣誓了。

你什么时候拿的永居? 永居批准日期后1年可以入籍。你没在UK连续呆够三年吧?

你没有违背移民法,不要担心。 谢谢楼下提醒。 楼主你符合不符合3年要求, 你要看看3年前的今天你在英国不,还有3年期间离境天数,和最后一年离境天数


Agreed ‘you have not been in breach of the immigration law’. However, you have not qualified for the 3 years resident in UK. The start date for you as a resident is Jan 2009.

You can apply Jan 2012. Read the following from ukba website.

In order to demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

■have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
■have been present in the United Kingdom three years before the date of your application; and
■have not spent more than 270 days outside the United Kingdom during the three-year period; and
■have not spend more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the three-year period; and
■have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.
Start of the residential qualifying period

The residential qualifying period will be worked out from the day we receive your application. Most unsuccessful applications fail because the applicant was not present in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the residential qualifying period. You must make sure you meet this requirement before you make your application. For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002.

You cannot count time you have spent in the United Kingdom while exempt from immigration control as part of the residential qualifying period. If you are in the United Kingdom as a diplomat or as a member of visiting armed forces or if you are in any place of detention, you would be considered exempt from immigration control. This time would be treated as absence from the United Kingdom.
