


  1. 关于可以申请入籍的时间有几种说法,

  2. 我是配偶签转永居,自身没有工作,这种情况下申请入籍,需要什么材料?用哪个申请表?







我是记得我在哪里读到过 如果LZ老公是英国籍,LZ3年就可以在永居直接申请入籍,如果不是应该是5年了,但是印象不深刻了,不太确定。。。但是LZ在配偶签证两年后申请了永居,LZ的配偶除了是永居的身份或是英国国籍,还有什么可能呢?







p.s. LZ自己所说的第一种情况也是根本不存在的




Naturalisation as a British citizen(Form AN)

Documents required for applications made on the basis of marriage or civil partnership to a British citizen


Lady, if you have been married for two years, why have you kept listed yourself as “single” in your space ever since 2008?
Do you think we Chinese men should be fooled arround so?

I can’t believe it, how many times should this matter happen to we Chinese single man?


I really want every one to know your wrong doing, but my cinese typing is too bad, but what I want to say is very important.

To purple01, [email protected]:

Two weeks has gone by, is changing your relationship status so hard? Or have you already engaged with someone who doesn’t know your true marriage status?

I noticed on June 01, 2011, you logged in immediately after I sent you a message, I kindly reminded you to change your relationship status, and I thought you were logging to change it or explain something. No, you only changed your photos.

Next day, you changed your photo back. Two days, you only changed photos, and didn’t want to change your marriage status at all. Then, you disappeared, play dead.

So your changing photos was just to cheat others that the two persons are not the same, or try not to be recognised. But you were also afraid to let others know you are still here.

This really smells like a cheating marriage for visa, so many divorced chinese women are doing so - getting a PR first and date another man, and if the husband find out, let the innocent person dead.

To find out what kind of person you are, I searched you. From your other posts and parent visa document translation asks, I know your email is [email protected]. From this email, I found you posted a lot of renting information with a person SIMON, [email protected]. From his email, I found you actually used different emails to post house renting information. [email protected], [email protected]

Then I found, indeed, you are a divorced woman, and you are cheating chinese for this british, now your husband.


Baobei520 发表于 2008-6-1 10:20


大家小心,谨慎上当,房东就是她男朋友,一个句恶心的英国老男人,一口的粗话,什么fxxk off基本每句话都有,去年收了我100磅下午就不认帐了,还说什么我不租他的房子就毁了他的房子,毁了他的生活,这可能吗?有这么夸张吗?我一个星期49磅的房租还能毁了你生活??更过份的是我打电话过去,男的讲完粗口就挂电话,女的谎称电话没电就不接电话,想不到到头来真是中国人骗中国人.这早几年决对称得上汉奸了吧. 写这些就是希望大家不要上她楼主的当,而且恶心的英国老男人房东也就是她男朋友也住在哪个房子里面.

对了,中国女人的脸都给你这种贱女人丢光了,不就为了个英国身份吗?年纪比你大个20,30岁也可以再一起? 真给你爸妈丢人.

Wiliam 发表于 2008-6-1 11:10


After that, no wonder you changed your name as 沉默是金 and emails.

So you always used this trick… play dead and pretend innocent, and keep doing wrong doings.

If this man was your boyfriend, why didn’t you tell the students viewed the house in advance, why pretended you were just helpinp? You wanted to make your boyfriend happy and cheated the students. You excused your mobile battery was dead. But if you are really honest, you could phone back that student when you charged it. You left them there and pretended you didn’t get online. The same method, you are cheating your husband and cheating another innocent chinese man?

I also found you never post house renting message on powerapple site, you posted lots of websites, but just no powerapple site, only one message 2010 for an English teacher, not any for your husband’s house. Why? You don’t want to be found your secret.

How about this:


laodeli 2009-05-01 18:04

What does this mean? Some one also smelled something strange?

Luckily I saw this, this message made me not to write to you. I saw your profile because the friend search function suggested we are from the same hometown and born on the same day. I was considering to know you. But this message stopped me. I also saw your last loggin date was Jan this year, I thought maybe you were not active. Also, in your friend list, all your friends are very young and are single, all from London. But in May, I visited people’s profiles, I saw you online, and your points was 1000 something, not 800. I thought, we get 15 points when logging in the website everyday, and logging to the bbs site wont’ get the points to the dating site, so you must are still active.

If you are not happy in the marriage, but still waiting for a PR or british passport, you should wait and not try to date other men. Or get divorced first, become a truely single lady and you are free to date. Doing two things at the same time is very dishonest and can cause trouble and disaster to yours and other innoncent people.

You are playing fire. One day if you give birth to a black eye baby, I hope your husband won’t kill you. Or maybe at that time, you already got everything you want and run away.