

回复 johhn


Come on. R u sure? Normally British students has part-time job from college, even some of them got fund from government, but still work and if u work as part-time, u still earn more than £5000/year. That’s not problem and fair enough.

it’s actually quite hard to get a part-time job for many home students under the current economic circumstances, especially in small towns where jobs are scarce.
another point is the govt consultation paper doesnt clarify how those minimum income will be calculated with all possible factors involved, such as if the income/savings from the sponsored applicant would be taken into consideration; is it the gross income or net income(as one example shows housing cost being deducted) which could cause huge difference. imagine living in london on a minimum wage or even part-time, then the net income after all the living costs could well be negative :L
hence you see can many ppl on other forum got really concerned.

did you not see somebody has responded to you? Net £5000! Which means after the English spouse’s expenditures, he/she has to have £5000 a year. How could a student has a part-time job can afford his/her expenses and still having £5000 left a year? The foreign spouse’s wages don’t count!

Another case: what about the British wife got pregnant? She has to right to take maternity leave from the company for up to 12 months. After she gave birth, she might probably take breaks and might quid her job for looking after the babe instead. What would happen if the foreign husband’s income doesn’t count? Should he stay at home and look after the babe and the wife go out working? Ridiculous!

我貌似是回复人家写的年收入5000镑的。。。你那只眼睛看到的这个年剩余5000镑从何而来? 还有就是您能告诉我怎么衡量这个年剩余5000镑吗?HO不会这么设置的,因为根本无法衡量这个所谓的年剩余5000镑。这又不是公司,还可以做年帐。。。银行怎么给个人客户开这个余额证明啊?

现实点儿吧~ 低于年收入5000镑真的很穷~ 高于年剩余5000镑的英国人或是欧盟人民基本不存在。。。

What I meant ‘left’ did not mean having £5000 as a yearly saving. What we are talking about here are the maintenance funds. I mean after the expenditures of a student, he should have at least £105.95 a week left to live with his spouse. How could that happen? Have a look at the example from the HO office below. Not even a mature men who makes £1200 net income a month is qualified. so how could a student doing a part-time job be satisfied with the maintenance fund requirement?

我一个朋友还打算去办那个unmarried partner的呢,不是一起生活两年就可以转PR吗?这个有变化吗?估计以后肯定也得改变吧?

暂时的规定是同居两年以上才可以申请UNMARRIED PARTNER,然后2年以后申请PR,以后是不是还是这个规定就不好说了。。。

算啦啦~ 都不知道你在说什么。。。

你那只眼睛看到的 NET INCOME OVER £5000? 这个数字怎么统计? 外国人民都是追求美好生活和享受生活的,谁家专门去存钱? HO只能说限制收入,不可能现实净收入。。。 再说了,学生根本不用交税,也不是必须一定要自己租房子的。。。


soho2009, ukelvin:




你有自以为了吧? 你发个正常点的,带点逻辑的帖子,俺用得着说你嘛?典型的标题党,俺是觉得你心里有问题, 貌似不只我一个认为你心里有问题。 我这个月底申请十年, 你的推断又错了。 随便问句 你多大了,到18了没,13,14岁的话可以理解,20以上,你心里绝对有问题,可以咨询下心里医生。



