‘’申请护照需要一个有英国籍的专业人士当监护人, 可是我跟监护人住一起,这个监护人是我室友, 这个显然是不行的,因为申请条例有说不能是住一起的朋友或者亲属, 那么我能否申请的时候把护照寄我朋友家。(可是到时候护照返回来的时候是signed delivery) ,已经找不到即是英国籍又是专业人士的朋友了 ‘’
第2点, 你这个监护人,说的是countersignature 里面的 counter-signatory 吧?(countersignatory 并不是你的legal guardian if you are under age,having learning difficulties or incapability
申请手册上说的很清楚:不能找住在一起的人,而且此人要认识你至少2年 (最简单的就是找你的牙医 或者 GP签字 当然他们一般收费10镑)
Who you can ask to be your countersignatory
Your countersignatory should:
have known you for at least two years
live in the UK
Your countersignatory should not:
be related to you by birth or marriage
be in a personal relationship with you
live at the same address as you
work for the Identity and Passport Service
Your countersignatory should be a professional person or a person of good standing in the community. If you are not sure who to ask, call the IPS Passport Adviceline on 0300 222 0000 .
These are examples of the type of person that would be suitable:
airline pilot
articled clerk of a limited company
assurance agent of recognised company
bank/building society official
chairman/director of limited company
commissioner of oaths
councillor (local or county)
civil servant (permanent), but not someone who works for IPS
director/manager of a VAT-registered charity
director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company
engineer (with professional qualifications)
financial services intermediary (eg a stockbroker or insurance broker)
fire service official
funeral director
insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company
Justice of the Peace
legal secretary (fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs)
licensee of public house
local government officer
manager/personnel officer (of a limited company)
member, associate or fellow of a professional body
Member of Parliament
Merchant Navy officer
minister of a recognised religion (including Christian Science)
nurse (RGN and RMN)
officer of the armed services (active or retired)
paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals)
person with honours (an OBE or MBE, for example)
photographer (professional)
police officer
Post Office official
president/secretary of a recognised organisation
Salvation Army officer
social worker
teacher, lecturer
trade union officer
travel agent (qualified)
valuer or auctioneer (fellows and associate members of the incorporated society)
Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers