
额,之前续签因为忘记交foundation的transcripts, 后来补交邮局把邮编给我弄错了, 签证官没收到, 就把我拒签了。 所以就弄了上诉, 本来出庭时间是十二月15号在曼城, 也就是明天早上。 但是今天下午突然收到邮件说UKBA撤销决定, 让我明天不用出庭了。 这到底是神马意思啊, 意思是会直接发新签证给我么??? 还是说只是会再重新考虑的我签证啊?
求助啊!! 周围被拒签都还遇见过这情况的说。。。

这个是 邮件原文

I am emailing you to inform you that the UK Border Agency has decided to withdraw the decision to refuse your application for a Tier 4 Student visa in the light of the information that has been provided by you in preparation for the appeal hearing. As such, the appeal hearing scheduled at IAC Manchester for 15th December 2011 will no longer take place and you will not need to attend. I have written to the IAC to inform them of the UKBA’s decision. I apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause. You will be issued with a new decision shortly and any queries should be made to the correct case work department. Kind regards, Kathy Swales


诶, 谢谢啊,
本来我啥都准备好了, 就等明天上庭了, 然后看结果
现在又要等,英国人老是喜欢让等, 这一等说不定圣诞后了。。。。

ok le. you gonna have the visa in due time…

按他们的普遍处理case速度,我估计会在圣诞后,不过也很难说,看你运气啦,anyway, good luck, 希望你早点拿签证

good luck




回复 amber710

谢谢哈~ 我没找律师, 律师太贵了, 加上我姐就是律师, 大概给我讲了上庭怎么说, 呵呵, 现在也不用上了

回复 amber710