
童鞋们:我现在是在英国的访问学者,签证是academic visitor,我想一年访学之后在这读博士,大家谁知道能不能转呢?导师已定,学校的Offer也不是问题。主要是这方面的签证政策不知道啊


Can you switch into the Tier 4 (General) student category? Close

You can switch into Tier 4 (General) without leaving the UK if you have, or were last given, permission to stay in one of the following categories:

Tier 1 (Post-study work)
Tier 2 (General)
Tier 2 (Intra company transfer)
Tier 2 (Minister of religion)
Tier 4 (Child)
prospective student
student (under the rules in place before 31 March 2009)
student re-sitting an examination
student nurse
students writing up a thesis
student union sabbatical officer
work permit holder
postgraduate doctor or dentist
Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme
International Graduates Scheme
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme

If you are currently in the UK in any other immigration category, you must leave the UK and apply for a Tier 4 (General) visa from your country of residence.


补充说下,类似这样的案例很多,很多访问学者一年之后跟学校达成协议,然后继续留在学校读博士。但是这里有签证问题,第一,因为当初申请人办理访问学者的时候提交的资料是1年之后继续回国工作。因此很多时候这个理由会被用于拒签你的学生签证。第二本身访问学者相对来说年龄较大,语言能力的问题是否满足博士的要求也是一个问题。因为很多访问学者当时是不要IELTS或者PTE成绩的,但是学生是必须要提交的。类似这样的案例龙朔签证做过很多,很多申请人都是拒签后找到我们的,建议你看看龙朔的网站www.gotovisa.com 电话咨询下相关顾问,再做决定。

Thanks a lot. it’s very helpful.
