



很简单,这项服务是专为搬家的人树立的。 你要在邮局填表,告诉邮局你的新寄信地址,然后邮局就会把相同姓名的信自动转寄.

How to buy

Redirection is a cost-effective way of continuing to receive mail when you move home or business, even if the move is temporary, or overseas. You can now redirect mail from your home address online.
Redirect and protect - do it 3 weeks before you leave

Service available for periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months
Redirect to any UK or overseas address
Renew up to a maximum of two years
Convenient and secure online application for home movers
Prices for 1 year from £40.85.

Keeping your identity safe
The Home Office Identity Fraud Steering Committee recommends that to reduce the risk of identity fraud when you move, use Royal Mail’s redirection service to direct your mail from your old address to your new one for at least a year. Please view our customer checklist (PDF 45KB) for full information before setting up your online redirection.

Most customers visit our website between 14:30 and 17:00. This can sometimes affect the response times on some of our pages. For quicker performance results, you may prefer to make your application outside of these times.

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Redirect your mail online

Choose to either create a new Redirection or renew a service that’s currently in place. Alternatively, you can return to a saved Redirection and complete the process
Complete Renew Create
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