
We understand that you have now used the University of Brighton CAS number. We need confirmation that your application has been successful and that you have been granted a visa to study full-time with us. To ensure that you are able to continue at the university we will need to see your visa. Please provide this by visiting your nearest Registry Site Office.

You can be sponsored by us while you are enrolled on a full time course of study, and are actively continuously engaged with that course year round (outside formal vacation periods/university holidays). There are limits on the number of re-assessments allowed. If you do break your study the university must report this to the UKBA, which effectively ends the sponsorship, and would mean that you would need to leave the UK. The university is required by law to report certain changes to your study (for example changes to end dates, or you leaving your course), to the UK immigration authorities

We are also required to monitor your engagement (or contact) with the course for which you have been sponsored, and it is important that you hand in your assessments, attend teaching and other academic supervisory contacts, and keep your school informed of any absences or reasons for non-submission (not handing work in), so that they can, if necessary, make other arrangements for you.

The university is required to keep details of your passport and visa, and your local term-time or contact address up to date. You can keep the address up to date either via your personal tab on studentcentral, or by notifying a Registry site office.

lz的email里面没有说课程结束上报ukba神马的,只是说uni没有lz的current valid visa info,因为每次续签后的结果要通知uni的,10月份的续签早就该有结果了,要是还没有就把ukba的信给uni看,让他们打电话问问就是了。


回信说签证还在HOME OFFICE,就可以了
