有人是这样的吗?UKBA 把我的approval letter 寄到 council

今天打电话给UKBA 问我的入籍信批下来了没有,她在电话说 上星期就发出来,我说都一个星期了怎么没有收到信,然后她就挂电话了。我心里不安打电话给我的 local council 说收到我的UKBA 的信,天呀!UKBA 你干嘛把信发到council 这?:cn18:

Council 的人说信很快会发给我,date of ceremony 已经帮我约好了。所以想问这里有人是这样的吗?UKBA 把approval letter 发到council 然后再寄给我,都绕了一圈。

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:cn18: :cn18: :cn18: :cn18:





Re: November 2013 - Naturalization Application Timeline

Postby highlevel » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:47 pm
Eligibility criteria: Spouse of BC(2+7days ILR)
Language criteria : UK Degree
Current nationality: West African
Method of application: NCS
Application sent: 19 Nov 2013
Payment method: Credit Card
Date of receipt by UKBA: 22 Nov 2013 (tracked online)
Date of debit or clearance of fees: 14 Jan 2014
Date of acknowledgment: 16 Jan 2014
Date approval received: :o :shock: :roll: :expressionless:
Council called:11 Feb 2014 :smiley:
Date of ceremony:17 Feb 2014 :slight_smile:

I carefully monitored the development on this forum so as to know when possible my application end date would be,i finally realized that all were accurate and up to date for those who are anxious like the Oct and Nov applicants.this forum made me calm and patient till this very moment because i would have thought there is a problem with the application as many of friends and family member got theirs withing a month.
Therefore,i see it as an obligation on my part to share my experience for like minds but i have a question below

*Here is my question: I have not yet received my approval from the HO but i was called by the council to book my ceremony which i have done,i was told to bring the letter from HO to the ceremony venue,but what if the letter from HO did not arrive before the 17th of Feb which is 3(postal days) from now?