

经过了10天的等待,给caseworker写了两封信了才终于有了回复,让我把brp卡寄给他,然后收到后给我邮寄正确的……哎 继续等待……重新等待签证卡……神保佑我吧这次别再出问题了……

29/05 Update:

Update - The BRP card with the incorrect date has now arrived and been cancelled, the amended BRP card will be sent for printing today and should be with you within 10 to 14 working days.

Please accept my apologies for this error.


Tommy Hazelwood / UKBA


Good Afternoon

Thank you for your enquiry regarding the expiry date of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

We have looked into this matter, and the expiry date showing on your BRP is correct according to our records. If you wish to dispute the expiry date, you should consult the guidance on our website at in the first instance. If this does not answer your query, you should write to your caseworker setting out why you believe the expiry date on your BRP is incorrect. Please do not return the BRP at this point - your case worker will advise you if they need you to return your BRP. Your case workers details are on your decision letter.

Thank you
BRP Management Unit

就直接联系Caseworker啊,你可以在之前收到的Confirmation Letter上找到你的Caseworker和联系方式,BRP卡回来的时候附带的信上应该也有Caseworker的信息。



如果9月开学的话,应该回国签证?不过。。。博士好像没9月 …

我没有换学校,之前本科也在这读的,签证就多给到了12年11月30日,没有换学校也没有中断,学校那边也说可以等到快到期了再签,我这不是怕8-11月签证高峰 所以现在有空就递交了

嗯 谢谢 在某一张纸背面找到了caseworker的信息,但只有名字,没有电邮地址,东西是从谢菲尔德挤出来的,准备明天写信到谢菲尔德签证处去联系caseworker



是续签啊,就是提交的早了点,学校international office的也建议我这种情况不需要着急签证,可以等到今年10月份左右续签,可是我10月份有事情需要护照的,现在趁着没什么事就递交了续签了,除了等得久了点 一切都正常的没有任何问题 就到最后一步了,这个卡闹心死了。。。而且 就不管是新签的还是续签的 他给我的decision letter上写的很清楚 是Full time PhD的,那怎么也应该按照PhD的年限给了啊,这个给的真蛋疼,和之前的签证到期日期一模一样 让我很无语。。。
之前有个同学 他也是2012年11月30日到期,但他去别的学校了 也是读PhD,就需要到新的学校入学就得续签,他还面签的 结果给的也很蛋疼 到2013年初,这明显不够PhD年数,然后他也是联系到了caseworker,重新给他邮寄了新的卡到2016年!

Changes during your stay

If you want to do a different course of study with your education provider Close
You do not need to get our permission if you want to do a different course of study with your Tier 4 sponsor and the new course will finish before your current permission to stay expires. Your Tier 4 sponsor will tell us that you have changed course.

If your new course will end before your permission to stay expires, you must tell us by sending an email message to [email protected].

If your new course will end after your current permission to stay expires, you will need to make a new Tier 4 application to us. You will therefore need a new confirmation of aceptance for studies from your Tier 4 sponsor. You can make this new application at any time before your current permission to stay expires, but we recommend that you do this as soon as possible.


不知道现在是个什么政策 …

嗯,根据UKBA官网最新说明我提前半年是可以的,嗯 不管怎样 谢谢大家的关心 我会尽快和caseworker联系上 但愿能有个好结果 不求像我同学一样搞到个2016年,最起码 2014年底总应该的 谢谢大家了


嗯 谢谢!我的信写好了,明天就去邮寄,本来就等4个月够着急了的了,结果还有这么一出戏,真是闹心啊

。。。我当年和你一样的。。Master 和PHD 一个学校。。
新签证日期取决于你学校的CAS 给到什么时候。。
比如PHD 一般是3+1年 如果CAS 很犯2的写了3年。。那你write up那一年还得再签一次。。。

嗯 我的CAS给的确实不厚道 写了个 Expected Course End Date: 03 October 2014, 最后一年估计还要再续一次。但这次再怎么也不应该搞个和旧签证同一个时间到期啊,valid until 30-11-2012,让我一年毕业么……还是故意的给我从一张贴纸换成一张所料卡片就要400镑么……英国穷疯了么……让我很恶心!


你换学校或者换课程的话都需要跟HO回报。 估计人家认为你是报告换课程吧。现在续签HO是不会接受的



你这个情况是奇怪啦,home office 也是够白痴。 不过phd的学生签证也不会给你够三年的,都从Mphil 开始, 一般就给你签一年多一点,运气好给签两年,都是要upgrade之后再续签的,因为很多人都根本没有upgrade, phd念不完。希望home office 赶快给你新签证吧。:slight_smile:


谢菲尔德那个签证中心是极端艹蛋的一个签证中心. 我面签的时候就因为信用卡和银行卡两张的地址一个是到Flat No. 一个是具体到Room,就说要拒签我, 然后又说上面银行经理签字不是一个人不是一天发的也要拒签. 结果让我下雪天走路去市中心的银行找经理重出Statement,不然就拒签.


Changes during your stay

If you want to do a different course of study with your education provider Close
You do not need to get our permission if you want to do a different course of study with your Tier 4 sponsor and the new course will finish before your current permission to stay expires. Your Tier 4 sponsor will tell us that you have changed course.

If your new course will end before your permission to stay expires, you must tell us by sending an email message to [email protected].

If your new course will end after your current permission to stay expires, you will need to make a new Tier 4 application to us. You will therefore need a new confirmation of aceptance for studies from your Tier 4 sponsor. You can make this new application at any time before your current permission to stay expires, but we recommend that you do this as soon as possible.