聊一聊unlawful eviction


Walsh v. Shuangyan, Manchester County Court, 14 January 2010
This concerned a tenancy for a room in an HMO. The Local Authority served notices on the landlord as she had failed to obtain a license, requiring her to do various remedial works. As a result of the boiler and electricity being disconnected, all the tenants except Mr Walsh moved out.

Mr Walsh was then subjected to a reign of harassment and intimidation by the landlord and her father, who also assaulted him. On one occasion he had to barricade himself into his room while they were in the house.

On 16 September he arrived home to find the locks had been changed and some of his possessions put into bin bags. The rest were still inside the room where he could not get at them. He complained to the Local Authority Tenancy Relations Officer (TRO) who spoke to the landlord but she still refused to let him in.

She also refused to comply with an injunction obtained by Mr Walsh and was committed to prison for 28 days. Mr Walsh had to sleep on friends sofas for 30 days, missed work, and developed a painful back.

He was awarded the following:

£2,000 for harassment before the eviction
£6,000 for the eviction and its consequences (based on a ‘daily rate’ of £200)
£4,000 for aggravated damages
£1,500 exemplary damages (representing the costs the landlord might have incurred had she sought advice and evicted Mr Walsh lawfully)
£5,750 special damages for his lost possessions and earnings
£204 interest
Costs on an indemnity basis
Total £19,454 (plus the indemnity costs)

房东以锁门,扔房客东西的方式驱逐房客 , 法院判决结果6000镑,5750镑是房客的实际损失,其他项目基本是惩罚性赔偿,而且房东支付双方律师费,并且是以比较高的比例支付的。 (一般,法律判决都是standard basis来支付律师费,也就是说输的一方除支付自己一方的律师费,还要支付对方律师费的60-80%, indemnity cost 則是以大概90%比例來支付對方律師費。),遇到这种情况,打官司就好了,网络发帖报料是最没杀伤力的打击方式了,只有华人会这么做,换句话讲,欺负自己人成本最低。

老牌资本主义国家到底是发达呀,这强大的法律。我就是来赚银子的 {:5_142:}


在这个单独案件里,不管租客做的对错与否,不管是否拖欠房租,不管是否夸大其词受害。这个华人房东做了诸多一些列错误。1,应该改建成符合HMO的标准获得许可再出租,譬如防火门,警报器,self closing door之类的,她没有做。2,所有人都搬出了只有Mr Walsh没有搬出,她自己有过错违约应该尽最大努力协商,譬如做些补偿,譬如提供其他地方住,提供搬家之类的,她没有做到。3,她不应该亲自动房客东西,也不应该一部分在外面一部分在里面也不应该拒绝租客取回。至少没有留证据归还了所有租客的私人物品4,她不应该不接受 injunction。有诸多方法达到目的,她选择了最愚蠢的一条。明显没经验,处处授人以柄。


在描述中,没有任何地方说Mr Walsh是加害者。一直说Mr Walsh是受害者,赔偿没毛病。金额有点多,可以上诉争取少点。

为什么要租给professional,因为这个群体每天上班忙的要死,真没空报复社会没空找茬儿。房东不惹他们,他们一般不会主动招惹房东。 二来这个群体以后要买房子,个人信用还是看的比较重,不到万不得已不会毁约。 三来 他们的收入相对到位,租整套的人都不会太特别计较钱,计较事。 。
