Update: Documents and BRP card received 5 Sep! 神奇的苹果让我的BRP快点补回来吧


Sorry cannot type in Chinese.

Just now received my documents back. Hope to get BRP card back soon too. Do not need to worry about my holiday starting in around 10 days now. And do not need to waste my flight and my boyfriend’s. Happy day!

Several hours later my BRP card was delivered too!!

Date applied: 09/05/12
Application received by UKBA: 09/05/12
Biometric enrolled: 29/05/12
Documents received: 05/09/12
Card received: 05/09/12

First complaint made: 16/07/12
First conplaint respond: 20/08/12
Second complaint made: 22/08/12
First letter sent by MP: 20/07/12
UKBA replied MP: 01/08/12
Second letter sent to MP: 05/08/12
Third letter sent to MP: 31/08/12

PS: My case was done by Temporary Migration Team21

自从二月份搬来伦敦 也许真的是本命年运气不好 从此这个漫长的噩梦就开始了

一开始住的房子不隔音 暖气两天一坏 四月搬了家 然后要去警察局注册吧 然后第一天把BRP卡带在身上早上地铁上钱包就被偷了 还没来得及注册!!
要补卡竟然还要一大堆手续 我刚搬的家哪来的账单来证明住址啊 最后问公司开了正式的reference letter
5月9号寄出去了 当天就到了 然后29号按了指纹 还觉得嗯 速度还算正常 然后就渺无音信了
我丢卡三天前刚跟我男友买好了九月回国的机票 不可改签不可退的 丢卡前一天刚跟公司把年假搞定 !!!!

从上个月开始急的 电话打了无数肯定是没有用的 然后发了很长的邮件到complaint的那个邮箱 收到回复说会20个工作日调查为什么被delay了 然后又木有人理我了 再然后找了MP 这次回的倒很快 说他们能确认5月9日就收到了我的申请 也能确认我的文件都在他们那 但是还没给我安排caseworker!!!8月份了啊 我只是补个卡啊

我大概知道我的资料应该在sheffield 想问问看 有没有可能到那里去硬闯呢。。。。。。

还有 有没有人跟我时间比较接近的收到了或者没收到都说声呗 让我有点底 哭死

安慰一下MM 真的本命年啊 我当年也是 ==

昨晚又梦到快递来送我的卡了。。。 现在每天上班都在希望下班回家能发现惊喜在信箱等待 结果每天失望 脸上都焦虑出痘痘了 :’(:’(:’(:’(



!! What!!!

On the letter UKBA replied to me about my complaint, they say they are dealling with all applications STRICTLY according the time when you attend the biometric appointment!!!

I dreamt of getting my visa back again last night…


可以理解mm。 我也是10月初份打算回国 但是签证3个月了还没下来:’(


[email protected]

I have been waiting for almost 4 months… They gave me official investigation result for my compaint, confirming when they received my application, when did they put it into their system, when did they get my biometrics… nothing useful to be honest. Just feel better if i tried everything, and i am keeping complaining…



我周一也complain了, 不过他们现在都还没有回话。 估计也是白complain了。真不知道他们在干嘛。

