
我个人有大约5年的工作经验,开始在投资银行,后来在基金,因为要帮一个过去的同学偶然来到这个版,看见很多人在找工作上努力,想起自己当年走了不少弯路。我个人跳槽多次,被面试无数, 这两年也面试别人无数,下面是我一点经验希望对你们有帮助。

首先面试穿着, 面试一定要穿的利落,头发不要太刻意 (我经常和同事背后调侃来面试的人头发有多油,发形有多怪)。女生不要带首饰,尤其耳环。一个人打扮干净,精神会给人很好的印象。有人会问印象有什么用, 对我来说,印象好的问题回答不上来的我还会给机会,印象不好的回答不上来就直接下一个问题。

另外简历, 我帮朋友看过,改过很多简历,我个人觉得他们最大的毛病就是简历上写的经历太笼统。 比如在学生会,很多人就说involved in blah blah event ,但我想看的是你们到底作过什么,所以我建议用I was responsible for, i was in charge of, i organized 之类的开头,凸显你的能力,另外也能让面试官有可问的, 因为你只是说involved,我还要找出你到底干了什么,然后从你干了什么再发掘。。。很麻烦的。




貌似我的cv上有hit your key words{:5_137:}



请问下LZ 我是今年的应届毕业生 学金融的 我现在最苦恼的是CV上没有相关的工作经验 在UK只有上学时餐厅打工的一些经验 跟金融是八杆子达不到一块儿去 如果你站在HR的角度 对应届毕业生的CV最大的要求在哪?如果没工作经验的CV 怎样能写得比较接近要找的行业和比较入HR眼
还有个问题 我有个姐姐有过国内商业银行的经验 但她不喜欢后来毅然决定到伦敦来找投行工作 但找起来才知道之前的经验对投行点儿用都没 所以如果我是应届毕业生 你是建议我只要是金融行业 不管啥职位有机会都做呢?还是仔细研究过以后就投几个自己很喜欢的职位 从那些开始做起 这是不是俗话说的“男怕入错行”的体现啊。。。
期待您的回复 谢谢

我只能说在自己干过有意思的事情里发掘点东西,比如大学组织过什么活动,在国内的时候有过什么经历,就算在餐馆打工也有经历啊,比如学到怎么应付不好的客户, 学到组织自己一天的工作。尽量把自己的经历用短故事方式说出来,看CV的人才会觉得有意思。

现在经济还不是很好,很多应届生没太多选择。我觉得你只要大方向上是喜欢的,比如进投行还是律师还是会计, 行业以内我还是建议你进去为主,比如想进FRONT OFFICE 可以先从BACK/MIDDLE OFFICE 作起,我认识不少人在行业内不停的跳槽到自己喜欢的位置,不过往上跳这个过程不容易,很艰难,你要有心理准备。



楼主你好,你说的经理要用短故事的方式写出来那不是会比较多吗?看CV的人会不会烦啊?我之前以为CV要写的越精炼越好呢(可能是受在网上找的CV sample影响),不是这样吗?



哇塞。。我也想知道呢。。。你说我这学国际关系的 跟银行八竿子打不着的专业 会不会有机会被录取呢?!在什么咖啡店打工的经验 应该也不算经验吧。。。还做过什么house keeping。。。自己都不忍心再说了。。而且 一般找工作 是直接把简历寄到那个公司 还是在网上投?!如果是在网上 是他们的官方网站么?!就是好迷茫 找工作都不知道门路。。。

Sure, my colleague studied classic at uni, now he is a very good analyst. Any experience you think has a interesting angle you should reflect on your CV (given that you do not have a lot of experience). work in a cafe, i think so, you need to learn on how to deal with difficult customers for example.

there a are many channels on how to look for a job, i.e. university career center, some websites, and companies websites. i haven’t checked these channels for many years, so i guess some of your friends and classmates are better information sources than i am.

moonwalker mm你来啦:cn08: 快点再和我们多分享一点啦!

i am he, not she

hi, i tried to reply to you but the system said:


i need to cut my reply in half:

generally your cv needs to be concise, however there are also sections you’d want to draw people’s attention. Imagine you are a HR and opened your CV for the first time, which experience do you want them to read, to focus on. once you find that section / experience, you should write a bit more to make it more interesting.

generally your cv needs to be concise, however there are also sections you’d want to draw people’s attention. Imagine you are a HR and opened your CV for the first time, which experience do you want them to read, to focus on. once you find that section / experience, you should write a bit more to make if more interesting.

As a graduate, you are essentially a blank paper, i would list all my good experiences on my CV as long as they define your personality (good personality i mean).

generally your cv needs to be concise, however there are also sections you’d want to draw people’s attention. Imagine you are a HR and opened your CV for the first time, which experience do you want them to read, to focus on. once you find that section / experience, you should write a bit more to make if more interesting.

As a graduate, you are essentially a blank paper, i would list all my good experiences on my CV as long as they define your personality (good personality i mean).

As a graduate, you are essentially a blank paper, i would list all my good experiences on my CV as long as they define your personality (good personality i mean).

About English, some people think good English is the ability to speak fast and sound fluent. i strongly disagree, i think make yourself clear is far more important, even if that means you need to speak slow. not many people expect a Chinese to speak fluent English, but i think most interviewers do expect a clear communication. So try to speak slower but more clearly, with a bit of humor, you will be fine.

From my experience, some chinese students whose english is near perfect failed in my interviews because they tried to talk too much while think too little. It is very natural for them to utter a lot of bullshit , but frankly, i have 4.5 years of working experience, and the average candidate has 3 months (intern), it is so easy for me to spot their inconsistencies, lies, and shit analysis from our conversations, so if the candidate is not very good, the more they speak, the less likely i would recommend them.

i figured out the problem, one of my paragraph can’t be posted, i have to cut my reply in half