
:cn03: :cn03: :cn03: :cn03: 偶错了。。。


小的目前在一間小間的避險基金中後台做實習生(半年的合約), 平常就對對帳, 看看交易有沒有出錯之類的

可是自己感覺上好像經驗又不足夠, 除了graduate scheme外 似乎又沒別的方法
我在大學(2.2) 跟碩士(final average 59.88) 的成績真的是很普通, 感覺要進大點的公司 連hr 那邊都不一定會過

雖然考過cfa 一級 跟拿到IMC 可是感覺上找工作還是處處碰壁



以上的內容我也發了一短信給了lz , 如果lz有空給點建議 小的會非常感激的

I think you should try back offices in many investment banks or bigger funds. 2.2 is not an issue, i would value your work experience more than a degree.

Graduate program is better because you will have proper training, i think you will be able to join a graduate program even you’ve graduated for a year or so, i met plenty people like you who were able to join graduates. so good luck.

You should finish your CFA, it is very useful for moving jobs from back office to front office.

it’s ok, you never know who you are talking to on the internet.


不過邊工作 邊準備cfa 感覺是條很漫長的路. 今年2級才剛fail 看來明年要再接再厲了.

just another thought, it may be easier for you to move up internally than move to another company. try to figure out what are the opportunities in your current company, can you become permanent? can you do more middle office job? If you are doing a good job, i think you can propose these to your boss

你对CV的要求 貌似跟我平时在网上看到的不太一样。。你能把你认为好的CV 发上来看看么 包括格式啊 什么的。。。。想写出让HR眼前一亮的CV 很难哇。。。

很有用, 收藏了


LZ是大救星!!我有问题, 怎样在interview的是把答案说的很concise? 我的问题就是回答问题的时候太啰嗦, 我不知道要怎么简要。。。有什么办法改善??




lz是大好人想问个问题,投行的treasury credit到底具体要做什么?我明年毕业,申请了这个部门的associate,第一轮面试刚完,如果有机会进第二轮面试的话,会有6个人,5个部门的,一个hr的分开一个一个的面试,现在很着急,不知道应该怎么准备,lz能提点建议吗,哪怕这个职位没进到第二轮,以后也能用的上的~谢谢啦!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: lz你好严肃阿:lol: :lol: :lol:

好了不给你捣乱了, 我也来问问题。trader一般来说的背景是什么? 别人只跟我说very strong financial background, 但是具体是什么?

Very nice post!! Thanks =D:cn02:

all fucking HR are twats, chavs in suits.

Hi I have a busy morning schedule, will reply some and come back when i am more free.

This is a tough question. you need to think before you speak and speak logically. I think you just need practice, but in the short term maybe try to use some key words to start a sentence, for example answer questions with firstly, secondly…

Vault guide is a good book for IBD, if you gets really really interested and want to know all the dynamics in a deal, all the strategic, financial and legal details, i suggest you read a book called “big deal”, i am still using that book as reference.

That’s not an issue as long as you have a convincing and justifiable answer to why you are switching your career path.

I think it is part of the credit risk management team, although different banks have different names for this role, i may get confused.

i think you will work closely with trading desks on the fixed income side. essentially the trading desk in investment banks want to take on as much risk as possible so that they can earn fat bonus. if they lose money, it would be the bank who pays. Therefore, banks have credit risk departments to analyst all sort of risks related to trading like counter party risk, concentration risk etc. This is to make sure banks do not lose control over their money.

The jobs is statistical, so make sure you like to deal with numbers. there is a jobs spec:

Treasury Credit – Analytics Associate

Your Career as a Treasury Credit – Analytics Associate:

  • Works closely with the Trading desk, Technology group, QA and Credit Management providing expert knowledge and support to on going credit risk analytic;
  • Participate in strategic credit related technology initiatives.

How You Will Contribute:

  • Review daily counterparty credit risk exposures and investigate any credit anomalies;
  • Perform daily Credit to close and VaR analysis for equity finance and prime brokerage desk transactions;
  • Design appropriate stress tests and scenarios that will highlight key risks, in specific business lines and in the firm as a whole, under stress situations and provide ongoing commentary on stress results;
  • Development of methodology, prototyping and testing of analytical models and procedures for risk measurement, exposure calculations, stress testing;
  • Development of methodologies and procedures for the estimation, validation and stress testing of the risk components;
  • Providing assistance to Technology Solutions in model implementation;
  • Continuous enhancements of the methodologies implemented in TD Bank risk.


  • MBA or undergrad degree in the following areas: Finance, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistic, Actuarial Science, or Financial Engineering;
  • Proficient with MS Excel, MS Access;
  • Knowledge of interest rate derivatives, FX, equity derivatives will be considered an asset;
  • Knowledgeable in data processing techniques and their application to credit and management control information systems;
  • Strong quantitative background;
  • Self-motivated, well organized and positive attitude;
  • Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and deliver results in a fast-paced environment;
  • Ability to be productive and effective in both a team and individual working environment.
