头疼的HMO——请教大家出谋划策- 我都快疯了




  1. Agenda- Individuals taking responsibilities for property damages.

a. Microwave -我买成£360的微波炉被他们放金属器皿加热导致微波炉门的里面黑色的防护层出现了一个小拇指大的洞,没人承认,所以也没办法扣钱,我另外买了一个普通的微波炉放厨房台上4个月了但从没人用。

b. Burnt Hole on kitchen counter/surface-也是租客们把太烫的锅放全新的台上烫了一个大拇指大的凹陷,能维修吗?要么得换整个work top?也没人承认也没办法扣他们的钱。

c. Broken freezer draw-全新的冰箱也是他们经常不关严冰箱门而导致冰箱里全部结成冰块把draw冻结了,然后他们使劲拉开而致破裂。

d. Damage from a heavy impact to the wall behind the kitchen door-也是被他们撞出凹陷和涂料掉了,我根本就没提过让负债,想道handyman有时间的时候就过去补好。

e. Island counter surface scorched-也是他们损伤,what can i say?

f. Knob on stove burnt-一部分被他们烧焦

Areas to be looked at;

§ Washing machine cupboard door comes out because machine vibrating heavily. (Not aware of any damages)

§ Skirting boards comes out. (Needs to be put back in place)是洗衣机下面的一块60cm的板子

§ Sink drainer blocker falls apart (Needs to be fixed)-。。。

  1. Agenda- House Keeping/ Cleanliness.

a. You were made aware of the mice/rat infestation and this is one of the main reasons the kitchen especially needs to be deep cleaned and we haven’t heard or seen any resolution from you or the pest controller since his only visit in November last year. -- 先来了一个骗子公司外付了全款做了一次就失踪了,后来我朋友来帮我做了全程treatment,已经没老鼠了,这SB非要有证书的公司。

b. Current cleaner doing minimum cleaning (insufficient for HMO) - 目前有个专业的清洁工每周做一次两小时的清洁

Other areas to be cleaned; anywhere being shared by two people or more needs to be cleaned once or more at least weekly. Such as:

DATE: Sunday, February 11, 2018

TIME: 14:30 PM

LOCATION: (Communal Kitchen Area) 比五星级酒店要求都高,人家专业清洁工每周都在做,她抱怨达不到她的要求,
§ Room 1&2 bathroom

§ Deep clean microwave and double oven

§ Steam clean entire kitchen surface including the floors

§ Door handles (kitchen, front and back doors exits) needs to be cleaned.

§ Glass door to be cleaned

§ Washing machine and dryer to be cleaned and lint to be removed after each use by individuals

§ Microwave needs to be cleaned after each use by individuals

  1. Agenda- Security of tenants and tenants properties.

a. We are not introduced/ informed to people who have copies of the keys to enter the house. Such as handyman/worker and cleaner.--有一个builder有钥匙如果需要任何维修

b. We would like more communications from individuals on people entering the house

c. Individuals threatening and interfering with others property

  1. Agenda- General

a. Communication problem with landlord , majority of us have been disrespected, being prejudiced against leaving persons to feel victimized and very rude with her approach and hanging up within the middle of a conversation and speaks impolitely to us.

b. We feel the need to communicate with landlord where there may be issues arise that cannot be discussed by text and when we call she selected answer certain individuals only. Every time we speak about an issue to Julie, whom we are expecting to represent us as a landlord, she claims she cannot understand what we are saying. ——每次打电话都是抱怨一些比如她感冒了咳嗽说是这房子没有没周洗地毯有而致,她cooking的时候从不开抽油烟机,说抽油烟机上有灰尘如果开了灰尘就会掉进她的菜里,,,这SB,,,,洁工每周都做得仔仔细细,厨房里都是纤尘不染的。所以听她说这些我的忍不住鬼火冒,不想与她说话

c. We find that to be inflammatory/ outrageous especially behavioral remarks/attitude=. I.e “YOU CAN GO/ YOU CAN LEAVE/ DO WANT YOU WANT” and we are expecting her to have respect for us as she would of herself. Otherwise we will be deemed to make complaint to our local council.

d. More chairs within the kitchen area

e. Handy man/worker damaged towel on last job on bathroom Rm 4 (10/02/2018) ——我们已经买了一条新的赔她,

f. Missing parcel still needs to be resolved——是一个租客的女朋友的包裹,打过好多电话要我赔,她根本没权住在里面,但大部分时间都偷偷的住这儿,我睁之眼闭只眼装着不知道,按理是不允许住两人的,人以前很好,我们很聊得来,但自从这SB女人搬进来后就和她一起找茬。

g. Internet broadband modem issues

h. We all need a web link to our individual depositing scheme ——我都把TDS证书那封email转发给了他们每个人,所以他们有证书也有web link,

i. Individual/s being malicious and because of that not having proper communication within the house

  1. Agenda- AOB (Any other business)

Individuals personal/issues to be discussed TBC (To be confirmed)

首先我是没胆分租5户的。 其次看了提的那么多的要求也无语了,还能怎么做呢? Serve notice 请菩萨走吧!


谢谢成龙大哥,emergency的事都是随叫随到的解决了。 你的意思是我可以不用理她,明天不去这个meeting?
按合同最少住6个月, with 1 month break notice,我可以在她刚住满5个月的时候给她1个月的notice让她住满6个月马上搬出去吗?notice的时候需要给理由吗?




如果我不去,她说她会call council, 那么她所列的lists上的事会成为council 或者小法庭作为房东不作为的项目吗?






说的那么多事情其实重点就是第一件事,她要说那些damage要individually responsible,不是jointly responsible,意思就是撇清关系,那些damage都和她无关。

{:5_129:} 不知道利润,怎么报税啊。。

你也不用怕这种傻逼房客,你就告诉她,不想住赶紧走。其他房客也是一样,不住赶紧走。你不要对他们太仁慈,他们说什么就是什么。而是你说什么就是什么。以后也不要跟租房间的人签合同,赶人也容易。告诉council去吧,council如果勒令你停止hmo,他们都得滚。 她有钱找律师,就不会租房间了。这种房客拿个鸡毛当令箭,自以为稍微懂点法律皮毛就吓唬房东。以前我经常赶走这种喜欢讲法律讲权益的房客,动不动就要威胁,告我。说实话,我真的烦了,我现在就想安安静静赚点小钱。.



2。定期来做的是professional cleaner,你不知道你怎么能再做的更好。
3。根据你的best knowledge,你认为你找的人都是从可信任的公司来的。
4。respect的问题,你不觉得是个问题,你treat people they same way as they treat 你。


已经签合同了,房客没有break任何tenant agreement term赶不走的,就算有break agreement的term也得6个月以后。




谢谢成龙大哥,再请问一下 如果到6个月了我给她1个月的notice搬出去需要写任何理由吗?
