





  1. By my experience the COS number could be assigned in 2 days (should be in one week). In our case the HR also made a “small” mistake by assigning my category to higher level. The home office rejected it according to the rule. I immediately forward the results to the HR and the HR applied for assigning the COS next day (due to time difference). This time I asked the HR copy me all the information. To my understanding the process has two steps. 1)submitting more detais to apply for an approval to assign COS; 2) assigning the COS( a mistake in my case). The step 2 still took about one week during the internal approval (involving University fees).

  2. The appeal may be not useful. I read the rule of more than 200 pages again and again when preparing the 2nd application.

  3. You can ask the university for visa fee refund as it’s not your fault.

Forward the results to the HR and the HR need apply for assigning the COS again.
”28天的labour market test “ is not necessary.


Did you change the SOC code in your new CoS?

怎么计算出来的? {:5_140:} 你是说永居吧

真的是过抢啊。。。 {:5_147:}


No, in my case it’s not necessary as the mistake HR made was in step 2 . The HR could not change the information submitted in Step 1. Otherwise, it would be regarded as a new COS application. The HR did add a note to explain the error while doing step 2 again.

sorry, still a bit confused. Can you describe more details of " assigning your category to higher level " and how this problem was fixed? What does this "higher level " mean? For a given SOC seems to me there are only 2 levels : ‘new entrant’ and “experienced”. And it’s Home Office that dicides which level the applicant should belong to.

你这明显不是你申请人的资质不够,而是HOME OFFICE利用大学的小失误或者说是不是最佳方案,卡你。和大学的那个部门搞好关系,别得罪了他们。同时请律师也协调一下。考验你的时候到了。

In my case the high lever is for CEO with salary of £155,300 or higher. The mistake happened while assigning the COS number. The key point is that this category is unrestricted and sponsors can assign these without first applying for permission (overseas application). Our Tier 2 is subjected to the annual number limits.

In your case the details relative to SOC should be submitted during the application for permission (step 1). Possibly it has to apply for the permission again if changing the SOC. Fortunately, the visa in UK should proceed much faster. I guess the market test is still valid. You need to read through the Policy Guidance.

Now the situation is much easier. I forwarded the lawyer’s suggestions (increase salary or change SOC code) to the university HR, then University HR Manager responded quickly saying that my contract has been withdrawn because I failed to get the visa, seems they do not care about the University’s reputation at all.


不过,很好奇做IT的这种professional service学校一般都不提供T2的,都是自己解决签证,至少我干过的2个大学都这样(工资都在35k以上),申请过的其他大学也是广告都写明的。不知道楼主的学校是不是特别缺人,所以才给提供T2呀。

Which university is this?

这个职位不同于一般意义上的IT Manager 或者 Linux System Administrator, 需要对LHC(大型强子对撞机)的网格系统有很深的了解,而且有实际管理一个网格站点的经验,整个英国有这种经验的也就几十个人。
