Tier 1企业家移民政策更新-将会加入genuine entrepreneur test


Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules

The Minister of State for Immigration (Mark Harper): My rt hon Friend the Home Secretary is today laying before the House a Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules that will bring about urgent changes to tackle abuse in the Entrepreneur migration route while protecting genuine entrepreneurs. The changes will take effect on 31 January.

In April 2011 we made some changes to the Investor and Entrepreneur routes to encourage greater uptake. These changes have successfully brought about a steady increase in applications from overseas.

However, it is clear that, following our tightening of other migration routes, the Entrepreneur route is now being targeted by applicants seeking to abuse the immigration rules. There is strong evidence that funds to prove eligibility are being re-cycled amongst different applicants and that artificial businesses are being created. We need to tighten the current rules to allow for a meaningful assessment of the credibility of an applicant for this route.
I am therefore acting promptly to tackle this abuse, without damaging the legitimate applicants who are important to our economic growth. I am introducing a “genuine entrepreneur” test which will give UK Border Agency caseworkers the ability to test the credibility of suspicious applicants. I am also making a further change to require the necessary minimum funds to be held, or invested in the business, on an ongoing basis rather than solely at the time of the application. This will apply to those already in the UK and those who apply to come here under the Entrepreneur route.
I emphasise that these are technical but important changes to improve the effectiveness of the current rules. Those seeking to abuse the immigration system will always seek new methods to do so. We are vigilant and will take swift action where we see evidence of abuse. At the same time, we will protect genuine entrepreneurs and continue to encourage them to invest in the UK where they will be made welcome.

On 31 January 2013 the Immigration Rules changed to tackle abuse on this route, while leaving
genuine entrepreneurs unaffected. These changes will apply to all applications decided from 31
January 2013; including those who applied earlier than this date and whose applications have
yet to be decided

  • Will you apply the new rules to my application if applied before the changes were made?

  • If we have not decided your application before 31 January we will consider it under the new rules.

  • What do I need to do now if I have a Tier 1 entrepreneur application with the UK Border Agency?

  • You do not need to do anything. If we need to undertake further checks, we will contact you.[/b]

上面两段话和statement中的一段有所矛盾, 等待进一步的update吧.

4.3. The changes in this Statement will take effect on 31 January 2013. With regard to the change set out in paragraph 9 of this Statement, this is a minor change and the only change which alters the evidence which must be initially submitted by applicants. This change will not apply to applications which have been made before 31 January 2013.


3.1. The Government regrets that for these changes it has not been possible to comply with the convention that changes should be laid before Parliament no less than 21 days before they will come into force, and recognises that it has given a commitment to make changes in a more orderly manner wherever possible. However, the Government considers that there are good reasons why these changes should come into force with immediate effect, namely:

The changes are being made in response to evidence of organised criminality and abuse by individual applicants in the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category. It is clear that, following reforms to other immigration routes, loopholes in the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) rules are being exploited. Funds are being re-cycled and artificial businesses are being created. The current rules must be strengthened quickly to allow for a meaningful assessment of an applicant’s claimed credentials and to prevent abusive applications being granted.

The changes are designed to improve the effectiveness of the current Rules and better tackle abuse rather than make strategic policy changes. The Government is not seeking to introduce new requirements or stricter Rules for genuine entrepreneurs to come to, or stay in, the UK.

• The UK Border Agency is experiencing an unprecedented surge in Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) applications. The evidence suggests that many of these applications are not genuine, and the UK Border Agency’s experience is that the surge would likely be made worse by giving potential applicants advance notice of the changes. The number of in-country applications has risen from 739 in 2011 to 6,878 in 2012, accelerating in the second half of the year and culminating in a spike of nearly 3,000 applications in December alone. The Government believes the spike in December was largely related to the advance notice of the changes to the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category that were announced when HC 760 was laid on 22 November 2012, and which came into force on 13 December 2012 (These changes prevented students from switching into the route unless they have £50,000 funding from a specified source, such as a registered venture capitalist firm or UK Government department). Although the volume of applications has since fallen from that spike, it continues to be high and, combined with the evidence of abuse, gives rise to the need to act quickly. Announcing these latest changes with 21 days notice would be likely to generate a similar spike in abusive applications to that seen in December, from those seeking to avoid the new tests of genuineness.

4.3. The changes in this Statement will take effect on 31 January 2013. With regard to the change set out in paragraph 9 of this Statement, this is a minor change and the only change which alters the evidence which must be initially submitted by applicants. This change will not apply to applications which have been made before 31 January 2013.

先简单读了一下hc943, 看来ho果然不出所料学的越来越聪明了, 果然是一有统计数据证据表明那个route有数量激增就说明哪里有问题, 这次居然聪明到连21天的advanced notice都不给了, 因为每次给了notice就会产生大量抢赶末班车的(比如去年7月family route的reform和去年12月的英国境内t4转t1 e的新规定), 不过以上的解释也足够说明问题的严重性了.


一直感觉保守党上台之后所有的这些immigration rule都是joke,一方面不想外国人留下,可是另一方面又设置这么多企业家之类的想通过让人们多交钱而拿到留下的可能,从2,3年前的Tier-II的sponsorship开始,就感觉home office就开始像钱看齐了,所有的方针政策都只有一个目的,你只要交钱,就有可能拿到签证。。一直这样下去只会让所有的政策越来越复杂,让他们自己的case worker都无从下手了。然后等到自己发现这些路子有的不够健全,就再推出新的政策来改善,殊不知这样亡羊补牢,窟窿就越来越大了。。。

其实真不明白了,签证费年年涨,现在已经这么贵了,外加政府的补助,home office还整天吵着没有钱召员工,所以员工不够用,处理签证时间不够。。。难道这帮子人的pension就这么厉害?home office真的应该出一份报表,让大家看看这些签证费都去了哪里???

英国人向来是信奉If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, 可是一旦有问题, 人家就会尽量去缝缝补补的, 并且人家就是按照统计数据来下手的, 所以尽管是按下了葫芦起了瓢, 但人家总会发现可能有问题的地方, 近两年可以看得出来是越来越聪明了.
英国的政府收入是有限的, pension,benefit和education是最大的方面, whitehall一直是在裁员, ukba也不例外, 再说ukba处理的都是软柿子, 所以case处理效率一直不是政府工作重点.
这里有ho公布的过去两年内的员工工资情况, 大头都让senior staff拿了, 基础员工的回报并不高, 你想效率能高嘛…:cn14:

能不能说, 现在的英国政府既想各种巧立名目收钱,但是又不想让更多的非欧盟人员留下,各种掉钱眼里

哇 UKBA也学到了国内那种今天颁布政策 今晚凌晨12点生效的那种架势?!

谢谢啊,原来收入这些都有公布,可是有没有哪里能公布他们的签证费收入有多少啊? 如上所说T1一个月就蹦到3000个case 还有那么多别的catalogue 之前10年的帖子里每个月也都有上千个申请, 除去这些,学生签证的更多, 我相信一个月收入几个甚至于几十个million不成问题。。。。。

另外吐槽一下。。home office的ceo居然收入17万?普通director也有10万。。。。home office又不是个盈利的机构,给ceo这么多钱做甚!!!!!!!!

那些具体细节就请自行google吧, 估计政府的revenue都是挖东墙补西墙了.
英国就是这样一方面收入公开但又贫富悬殊的, 就像bbc一样, 那些bbc seniors拿的钱下可不是下面扛摄像机的工资所能项背的…:cn18:

这个测试 怎么搞呀? 不明白




Johhn一早就分析到UKBA会对T1(E)进行investigation and review,





操! 英国有什么好待的

我觉得各种test最根本一点, 钱是自己的. 而且有能力证明这比钱是你自己的. 人到钱到. 钱到了以后立马要用, 万变不离钱!!!