Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

:cn01: 我也好想知道 今天忽然在这里发现了一个不会讲中文的板油 第一次见啊 简直锻炼我的英语啊有木有

I speak cantonese and some mandarin… i can read it as well. Just can’t really write or type. I am illiterate :stuck_out_tongue:

u born in here?

not quite but have spent 3/4 of my life here

ok, i used to play CF, and now i play LOL

I actually don’t play much games, but wanted to see try diablo 3 as all my mates play it. Also wondered if girls actually do play these type of more nerdy games lol. That’s why this thread was started

some of my friends play Diablo 3, 但是我不喜欢暗黑3的画风 人物和BOSS都很ugly, 还有点horrible

I usually play consoles mainly, like killing zombies on black Ops or play GT 5

one more hour i am off work…{:5_141:}

are you mocking me? :frowning: What you up to on Friday…

most of girls like games with cute or pretty visual effect

{:5_142:} i cannot type chinese using office computer…

I am pretty cute and I come in the HD veriatiy too :stuck_out_tongue:

ii wanna get some sleep…

i’m sleep deprived…

talk to you later.
i am getting back to my work

veriatiy? what is it?

我更愿意你打汉语拼音啊 忽然发现自己好多都不会讲 好丢人哦 我要好好学英文了 不然回国会被骂了

typo variety is what i mean

I am love deprived


francaise is right…you are desperate…