Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

Hey rapist,I added you on the chatter :p:p

i play LOL, but im not hot:cn10:

don’t see you there

You should show me and let me judge :stuck_out_tongue:

im expensive, so do my pictures{:5_142:}

Your response made no sense to me… ><

r u chinese?

Yep I am chinese

:frowning: 好吧 那你干嘛要讲英文我好费劲啊 我的意思就是说 我是不会轻易给你看我的

First my chinese is not very good, I can barely type it. :frowning:

well…can u understand what i just said?:cn01:

I can read, speak but not write or type so well.
Still trying to learn mandarin properly… :frowning:

:cn09: 搜噶~
but anyway what i’m saying is that it’s not easy to let me show u how i look like, so u dont have chance to judge me

搜噶 <==== what does that mean?

Not easy does not mean impossible… you never know. Never say never :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s the same pronunciation to Japanese, in japanese, means i see.

:cn11: it’s possible, therefore i said i’m dear

I don’t even know how to read the second word :stuck_out_tongue: lol

{:5_146:} stressed…

how’s your day?

:cn09: u cant speak chinese, how did u come to apple here?

My day just started, it’s 9:11am here