Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

check it £1 fish
so funny.

cunt hhaha

you didn’t… maybe that rene did wahahah. You are the indian dude selling £1 fish right. is that what you do for a living?

you and you oil-bathed arse hole LOL

{:5_137:} very very。。。cheap。。。

is that where you go buy fish?

{:5_147:} dun like fish。。。

:cn16: wow we agree on something, in fact i don’t like all seafood at all. Looks disgusting. Specially fish with there heads… puts me off eating completely

:cn04: lobster is alright。。。。。。

they all look too ugly for my liking. I can not simply handle it, the look and the smell.


I guess in ur past life, u r a fish~~~:cn08:
this can explain y u dun like them at all~

:cn03: you upset me

:cn10: just kidding…silly~

first you gave me lemon, then you diss me >< i am just a young boy. :stuck_out_tongue:

i want to play but ain’t got the game yet. Shops were all sold out… haven’t even ordered it online yet

:cn13: wht abt i give u a lollipop。。。then give u a punch
which one u prefer?

I don’t like your options, how about I make you a offer you can’t refuse? {:5_137:}

:cn13:take it~if cant refuse。。y not。。。another experience。。。

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… speechless now{:5_140:}